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Summary for 1424 15th AVE / Parcel ID 7234600135 / Inv #

Historic Name: Temple de Hirsch (Demolished 1992) Common Name:
Style: Italian - Italian Renaissance Neighborhood: Central Area
Built By: Year Built: 1907
In the opinion of the survey, this property appears to meet the criteria of the National Register of Historic Places.
In the opinion of the survey, this property is located in a potential historic districe (National and/or local).
The Temple de Hirsch is possibly architect, Julian Everett's most important work in Seattle. Additionally, the Synagogue is significant as a reminder of and for its association with the cultural life of the strong Jewish community.
The Temple de Hirsch is an elegant, twin towered, brick synagogue at the corner of Union and 15th. It has a massive classical portico supported by four fluted columns and it has towering arched windows. The towers are punctuated by trios slender arched openings and have a strong cornice line emphasized with modillions. The ornate domes to each tower are missing. The building is vacant and unused; the congregations' new facility is located in the same block to the northeast of this building. (For more information on the new facility refer to the property record on this database with the following address: 1511 E Pine Street).

Detail for 1424 15th AVE / Parcel ID 7234600135 / Inv #

Status: No - Altered
Classication: Building District Status: INV
Cladding(s): Brick Foundation(s): Concrete - Poured
Roof Type(s): Gable Roof Material(s): Asphalt/Composition
Building Type: Domestic - Single Family Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Brick No. of Stories: one
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture
Changes to Windows: Moderate
Changes to Interior: Unknown
Other: Extensive
Changes to Original Cladding: Intact
Changes to Plan: Intact
Major Bibliographic References
King County Property Record Card (c. 1938-1972), Washington State Archives.
seattle P. I. March 11, 1906 (and others).

Photo collection for 1424 15th AVE / Parcel ID 7234600135 / Inv #

Photo taken Jul 01, 1991
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