Constructed in 1966, this concrete block 4-story building is located midblock on the east side of Second Avenue W between W Thomas Street and W John Street on a site that slopes steeply from east down to the west. The building is set back into the hillside, with the third floor at street-level on the alley (east) side. The building stands on a poured concrete foundation and has a rectangular plan. The building is clad in concrete block. The first floor of the building consists of enclosed parking, which is accessed from Second Avenue W. Cars enter through a tall, roll-up metal garage door located on the northern end of the west façade. The main entrance is located opposite from the garage door, on the southern end of the west façade. A concrete ramp with a metal railing, parallel to the sidewalk, leads up to the main entrance. A flat roof awning, supported by concrete block pilasters, shelters the main entrance. The west façade at the first floor, between the garage and main entrance, consists of a decorative concrete block screen wall, with a pattern of rounded rectangle openings, likely to ventilate the parking garage. The west façade at the second and third floors features a series of two-story oriel windows which create an undulating appearance to the elevation. Octagonal fixed vinyl windows are set within the oriels. The fourth floor is stepped back from the west façade, with a full-width balcony running the width of the elevation. A metal handrail caps the balcony. The side (north and south) elevations are simple, with few windows. The rear (east) elevation has banks of windows at the third and fourth floors. The windows on the east and north elevations are all vinyl sliders.
The building has moderate integrity, retaining its form and Neoexpressionist elements. However, all of its windows have been replaced with vinyl.