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This 3-story brick-clad apartment building was constructed in 1928, according to the 1937 King County Assessor property card, in the Uptown neighborhood. The building is known as the West Coast Arms.
Constructed in 1928, this apartment building is located midblock on the east side of Third Avenue W between W Olympic Place and W Roy Street. The site slopes down from north to south. The 3-story building has a rectangular plan and stands on a poured concrete foundation. The building has a flat roof with a parapet; the parapet features a centered low-pitched pediment on the north and west elevations. A cast concrete beltcourse runs beneath the parapet. The building’s main (north) elevation faces north to a side courtyard and is oriented away from the Third Avenue W. A twin building is located north of the courtyard. The front entrance is centered on the north façade and sheltered within a rounded arch opening. Half round brick steps lead up to the entrance. The building features vinyl replacement windows. Brick soldier courses form the window headers. A metal fire escape is centered on the east elevation.