Summary for 800-830 18th AVE / Parcel ID 2254502165 / Inv # |
Historic Name: |
Churhc of Immaculate Conception |
Common Name: |
Style: |
Italian - Italian Renaissance |
Neighborhood: |
Central Area |
Built By: |
Year Built: |
1904 |
Significance |
In the opinion of the survey, this property is located in a potential historic districe (National and/or local). |
This building is significant for its tsrong architectural presence. The commending, turn-towered Italian Renaissance architecture is the center point among the Edes and Knight, Squire Park and Renton plats. The church and subsequent 1910 school addition have played a significant role in the cultural life of the community.
Appearance |
The most visibly prominent building in this neighborhood, the Church of the Immaculate Conception is a commanding twin-towered Italian Renaissance Revival building interpreted in brick, wood and masonry. A hipped roof, brick Foursquare and a two story Renaissance Revival school to the south of the church complete the complex. |
Detail for 800-830 18th AVE / Parcel ID 2254502165 / Inv # |
Status: |
Yes - Inventory |
Classication: |
Building |
District Status: |
Cladding(s): |
Brick |
Foundation(s): |
Unknown |
Roof Type(s): |
Unknown |
Roof Material(s): |
Unknown |
Building Type: |
Religion - Religious facility |
Plan: |
Unknown |
Structural System: |
Unknown |
No. of Stories: |
Various |
Unit Theme(s): |
Architecture/Landscape Architecture, Religion, Social Movements & Organizations |
Integrity |
Changes to Interior: |
Unknown |
Changes to Windows: |
Unknown |
Changes to Plan: |
Unknown |
Changes to Original Cladding: |
Unknown |
Major Bibliographic References |
Sanborn (Insurance) Map Company, Seattle, Washington.
Seattle P. I., May 14, 1904 (and others)
Filipino Oral History Project
Photo collection for 800-830 18th AVE / Parcel ID 2254502165 / Inv # |
Photo taken Jul 01, 1991
Photo taken Jul 01, 1991
Photo taken Aug 03, 1979