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Summary for 170-172 20th AVE / Parcel ID 9826701245 / Inv #

Historic Name: Herzl Synagogue Common Name:
Style: Other Neighborhood: Central Area
Built By: Year Built: 1924
This building is important for its association with the cultural life and development of Squire Park's significant Jewish Community and as a representative work of Beezer Brothers Architects. The building is important too for its more recent association with African American leader, Odessa Brown's efforts to gain accessible health care for Blacks in Seattle. It was renamed in her honor when it became a health center in about 1972.
This building is a classical, red brick religious building with towering arched windows on the north and south sides. It has a simple three bay façade with unfortunate bay windows, which were added in 1972. A masonry course above the windows and a simple cornice provide the only decoration.

Detail for 170-172 20th AVE / Parcel ID 9826701245 / Inv #

Status: Yes - Inventory
Classication: Building District Status: INV
Cladding(s): Brick Foundation(s): Unknown
Roof Type(s): Gable Roof Material(s): Asphalt/Composition
Building Type: Religion - Religious facility Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Unknown No. of Stories: two
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture, Ethnic Heritage, Religion
Changes to Windows: Moderate
Changes to Original Cladding: Intact
Changes to Interior: Unknown
Changes to Plan: Intact
Major Bibliographic References
Seattle Daily Journal of Commerc February 25, 1924 and March 18, 1924.
Williams, History of Central.
Seattle Historic Inventory, Central Area, 1979.

Photo collection for 170-172 20th AVE / Parcel ID 9826701245 / Inv #

Photo taken Jul 01, 1991

Photo taken Jul 01, 1991

Photo taken Aug 01, 1979
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