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Summary for 1414 S Washington ST S / Parcel ID 3319500060 / Inv #

Historic Name: Unknown Common Name: Victorian Landmark
Style: Italian - Italianate Neighborhood: Central Area
Built By: Year Built: 1890
In the opinion of the survey, this property is located in a potential historic districe (National and/or local).
This house is one of Seattle's few remaining, intact Italienate townhouses. It enhances our knowledge of 19th century vernacular architecture and Seattle's residential development.
This local interpretation of the Italienate style is a low hipped rectangular box with a bracketed eave. It is characterized by a full height, inset corner porch and a hipped roof bay window; paneled beneath the slender windows and bracketed at the eave. The porch has beveled posts, spindlework and bracket ornament. At its original location, 208 13th Avenue South, this house had a very similar companion. This house was moved in ca. 1985 to prevent its demolition.

Detail for 1414 S Washington ST S / Parcel ID 3319500060 / Inv #

Status: Yes - Inventory
Classication: Building District Status: INV
Cladding(s): Wood - Clapboard Foundation(s): Concrete - Block
Roof Type(s): Hip Roof Material(s): Asphalt/Composition
Building Type: Domestic - Single Family Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Balloon Frame/Platform Frame No. of Stories: two
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture
Changes to Plan: Intact
Changes to Windows: Moderate
Other: Extensive
Changes to Original Cladding: Intact
Changes to Interior: Unknown
Major Bibliographic References
City of Seattle Landmarks File

Photo collection for 1414 S Washington ST S / Parcel ID 3319500060 / Inv #

Photo taken Jul 01, 1991

Photo taken Jul 05, 1979
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