Constructed ca. 1900, this one-and-a-half-story single-family residence features a rectangular plan. The building faces west fronting Warren Avenue N. The site features planting beds along the front with several trees. An alley abuts the east side of the tax lot with a small backyard. A gable roof shed extends off the northeast side of the house. Horizontal wood siding clads the garage. Shingles clad the roof and a small pent roof on the east side, which was built to cover a garage expansion.
A cross-gable gambrel roof shelters interior spaces. Asphalt composition shingles clad the roof. The building has flush gable ends and eaves, with a rake molding along the gable end. An internal brick chimney services the building.
A concrete foundation supports the platform frame structure. The front half-story gable ends overhang the first story. Cement asbestos shingles clad the building’s front facade. Clapboard with wood corner boards clads the north facade. A water table wraps the building at the basement to first story transition. The gable end features a narrow wood vent at the attic level. An oriel projects off the south and north sides.
Windows feature wood sills with thin wood casings. The front gable end features three windows divided by mullions.
The front face features a small recessed front porch off the northwest corner. The porch has a solid railing. Concrete stairs with a metal railing lead up to the porch. A rear entrance services the house from the backyard.
Alterations include the addition of cement asbestos shingles, replacing the original wood shingles, which had a slight outward flare along the top of the half story overhang. Previous work replaced the tall vertical lite over single-lite wood sash windows with existing vinyl, picture, and aluminum sash windows.