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Summary for NW corner 2nd Ave S & S Main ST / Parcel ID 5247800655 / Inv #

Historic Name: Annie E. Casey Waterfall Garden/ Casey Waterfall Park Common Name: Annie E. Casey Waterfall Garden/ Waterfall Park
Style: Modern Neighborhood: Pioneer Square
Built By: Year Built: 1977
In the opinion of the survey, this property is located in a potential historic districe (National and/or local).
The Annie E. Casey Waterfall Garden was designed by Masahiro Kinoshita and completed in 1977. It was commissioned by James Casey, a founder of the United Parcel Service (and technically funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation). The garden sits on the site of the 1907 birthplace of United Parcel Service, south of the Lucknow/ Ruggles Building.
This is an enclosed pocket park, located at the northwest corner of Second Avenue South and Main Street. It includes a dramatic man-made waterfall fountain, as well as hardscape and benches.

Detail for NW corner 2nd Ave S & S Main ST / Parcel ID 5247800655 / Inv #

Status: Yes - Inventory
Classication: Site District Status: NR, LR
Cladding(s): Foundation(s):
Roof Type(s): Roof Material(s):
Building Type: Landscape - Garden Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: No. of Stories:
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture, Commerce, Communications
Changes to Original Cladding: Intact
Changes to Plan: Intact
Major Bibliographic References
Crowley, Walt. National Trust Guide: Seattle. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998.
Sherwood, Don. “Pioneer and Occidental Squares.” Sherwood History Files (produced in the 1970s), Seattle Parks and Recreation, Website:
Andrews, Mildred et al, Pioneer Square: Seattle's Oldest Neighborhood. Manuscript.Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, forthcoming 2005.

Photo collection for NW corner 2nd Ave S & S Main ST / Parcel ID 5247800655 / Inv #

Photo taken Jun 08, 2004
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