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Summary for 2253 N 54th ST N / Parcel ID 9550201670 / Inv #

Historic Name: Common Name:
Style: Colonial, Tudor - Cottage Neighborhood: Wallingford
Built By: Year Built: 1925
This house was erected 1925 in the middle of Seattle’s second north end building boom. It was built by the original owner, Ray L. Wentworth, who gave his address as 131 E. 54th Street (now N. 54th Street) when he applied for permission to build the structure. Wentworth is listed as the architect on the building permit application. Although the building permit for the present structure indicates that it was designed as a one-story residence, Wentworth applied for a second permit to finish rooms on the second floor within two months of completing the initial construction (the dates provided in the permit record suggest that the second floor work was completed before the permit application was filed). The house is of particular interest because of the manner in which is combines a number of stylistic elements. The roof slope and form, and the design of the entry porch, suggest a strong association with the emerging Tudor cottage style. The windows, on the other hand, have a strong craftsman flavor while the moderate extent of the overhang, and the character of the detailing seem more typical of structures based on colonial models. Despite somewhat extensive modifications to the upper story at the south (rear) elevation of the structure, the house remains significant as a nearly intact and well maintained example of an eclectic approach to styling not uncommon in the years following the First World War.
This structure is a 1-1/2 story, clapboard clad frame residence on a concrete foundation over a full basement. The steeply sloped, side-gabled roof, the prominent cross gable facing the street at the western half of the north elevation, and the projecting entry gable with its small enclosed porch and arched porch opening are all elements of the Tudor cottage style The less prominent entry gable is centered in the north elevation. Its roof is partially engaged with that of the larger cross gable. The porch enclosure is entered through a round, wood-cased, arched opening. Tall rectangular openings, with fixed glazing configured to resemble the double-hung windows elsewhere around the house, penetrate the walls at either side of the porch. The interior is entered through a Tudor style door on axis with the entry steps and arched porch opening. The enclosed soffits of the moderate roof overhang and the returning cornices at the base of each gable seem to be based on colonial style models. Tall rectangular double-hung windows, all similarly sized and proportioned, with muntins organized in a manner more typical of craftsman or prairie style buildings, are situated singly or in pairs at many points around the structure. Three of these double-hung units are ganged to illuminate one of the reception rooms just to the east of the projecting entry. Two units are paired to illuminate another main level room located west of the entry. Two smaller windows are located near the east end of the north façade. At the main floor level of the east elevation, a wide but short (and possibly recently added) window lights the corner room served by the two small windows just mentioned above. The wide window is joined on the east façade by two of the typical double-hung windows and a door opening to a deck in the side. At the west end of the house, two double-hung units flank the chimney at main floor level in the northern half of the façade. Two additional double-hung windows are less symmetrically placed to the south. One pair of the typical double-hung units is centered in each of the side gables. A shed roofed, clapboard clad dormer situated on the roof east of the entry gable at the north (street) elevation is a typical element of Tudor style houses; however, the detailing and arrangement of the windows suggest that this structure may be a later addition to the building. Pairs of casements are placed at the third points of the dormer’s street elevation. The dormer abuts the face of the roof at the east side of the more prominent of the front gables. The basement garage, an original feature of the design, is entered from the west at the southwest corner of the house. The overhead door does not appear to be original A brick chimney rises at the northernmost third point of the west gable end; another chimney that once stood at the east elevation appears to have been removed The basement, dining room and kitchen were all remodeled in 1989. Although this led to window and door modifications, these changes do not seem to have significantly affected the appearance of the elevations visible from the street. At the back of the house, an extensive remodel at the upper level in 1995-99 has led to the addition of two large dormers, resulting in significant modifications to the roof profile at the south elevation. The changes are clearly visible form the cross street, although not from the front of the house. The possibility that the much smaller front dormer may also be an addition has been mentioned above. No other significant modifications are apparent.

Detail for 2253 N 54th ST N / Parcel ID 9550201670 / Inv #

Status: Yes - Inventory
Classication: Building District Status:
Cladding(s): Brick, Wood, Wood - Clapboard Foundation(s): Concrete - Poured
Roof Type(s): Gable, Shed Roof Material(s): Asphalt/Composition-Shingle
Building Type: Domestic - Single Family Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Balloon Frame/Platform Frame No. of Stories: one & ½
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture, Community Planning/Development
Changes to Plan: Moderate
Changes to Windows: Slight
Changes to Original Cladding: Intact
Major Bibliographic References
City of Seattle DCLU Microfilm Records.
King County Property Record Card (c. 1938-1972), Washington State Archives.

Photo collection for 2253 N 54th ST N / Parcel ID 9550201670 / Inv #

Photo taken Sep 28, 2004
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