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Summary for 318 2nd Ave Extension / Parcel ID 5247800930 / Inv #

Historic Name: Ace Hotel Common Name: Union Gospel Mission
Style: Art Deco, Beaux Arts - Neoclassical Neighborhood: Pioneer Square
Built By: Year Built: 1904
In the opinion of the survey, this property is located in a potential historic districe (National and/or local).
The building was first completed in 1904. The east façade dates from 1904, while the west façade dates from 1930. Judging by the design of the east façade, the building was typical of warehouse buildings in the district from the 1900-1910 period. It combined elements of Chicago School warehouse design with Beaux Arts ornamentation, particularly at the cornice level. The original building dated from a period of economic and industrial growth in the former “burnt district,”when the original commercial area expanded and was built up with well-designed warehouse buildings, usually influenced by Chicago School warehouse buildings. This was also a period of explosive growth in Seattle in general. Later, in 1928-29, the Second Avenue Extension, a public works project cut a huge swath from Yesler Way to past Jackson Street, near the train terminals, slicing into buildings in its path. The Second Avenue Extension sliced the site of this building in such a way as to destroy its original west façade. The present west façade dates from 1930. The contrast between the 1904 façade and the Moderne 1930 façade clearly reflects the effect the Second Avenue Extension project had on the eastern edge of the district, on its architecture and on its urban spaces. The building has two well designed, but contrasting facades of which reflect the prevailing styles of these two periods.
The former Ace Hotel, now part of Union Gospel Mission, is a six story building, with three street facing elevations: a 60 foot east facade on Third Avenue South, a 70 foot west facade on Second Avenue Extension and a third, 52 foot south elevation, this one more utilitarian and facing Main Street. The building is trapezoidal in plan and has exterior brick walls with stone trim. The interior structure is wood post and beam. Both the Third Avenue and the Second Avenue Extension façades are divided into three bays. They both have a strongly expressed ground floor level, slightly recessed bays emphasized by projecting piers and a strong “top.” The east façade dates from 1904. Its ground level is clad in stone veneer and has wide trabeated openings. Its upper floors are clad in brick. Its recessed bays are further emphasized by brick roll molding. Topping the façade is an ornamental cornice with modillions, as well as bracket consoles set between bays. The bracket consoles are tied together by a continuous belt-course, inset slightly from the edges of the façade. Additional triglyph ornaments are set below each of the brackets. The facade is typical of warehouse buildings in the district from the 1900-1910 period. It combines elements of Chicago School warehouse design with Beaux Arts ornamentation based on classical motifs. The western façade along Second Avenue Extension has characteristics in common with the east façade, but differs because of its Moderne design and detailing. It is mainly clad in buff brick, with lighter stone trim. It has wide trabeated ground floor openings which correspond to the three bays above. The bases of the wider main piers have a veneer of stone. A belt-course in stone doubles as a continuous sill below the second floor windows. On each floor, each bay is subdivided by thinner continuous piers into three sections, each with a window opening with a single double-hung window. The sixth level of the elevation is emphasized by several elements, including: a continuous light stone “ribbon” above the fifth floor, angled brick in the spandrels above this, angled brick ornamentation on the major piers themselves and a diaper pattern on the parapet wall above the sixth floor windows, and cast-stone coping at the top of the parapet. The south elevation, which now faces an open lot along Main Street, consists of regularly placed segmental arch window openings, with two per floor.

Detail for 318 2nd Ave Extension / Parcel ID 5247800930 / Inv #

Status: Yes - Inventory
Classication: Building District Status: NR, LR
Cladding(s): Brick, Stone, Stone - Cast Foundation(s): Concrete - Poured
Roof Type(s): Flat with Parapet Roof Material(s): Asphalt/Composition
Building Type: Domestic - Hotel Plan: Irregular
Structural System: Masonry - Unreinforced No. of Stories: six
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture, Community Planning/Development
Changes to Plan: Moderate
Storefront: Slight
Changes to Original Cladding: Slight
Changes to Windows: Slight
Major Bibliographic References
Andrews, Mildred et al. Pioneer Square: Seattle's Oldest Neighborhood. Manuscript. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, forthcoming 2005.
Lentz, Florence. “Apex Building, 200-201 S. Washington Street, Historic Certification Application, Part 1,” 24 August 2003.
Potter, Elizabeth Walton. “Pioneer Square Historic District Expansion Amendment.” December 1976.

Photo collection for 318 2nd Ave Extension / Parcel ID 5247800930 / Inv #

Photo taken Nov 27, 2004

Photo taken Aug 10, 2004
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