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Summary for 2809 S WASHINGTON ST S / Parcel ID 3416601000 / Inv # 0

Historic Name: Common Name:
Style: American Foursquare, Queen Anne - Free Classic Neighborhood: Central Area
Built By: Year Built: 1906
This is an example of Queen Anne - Free Classic design with some American Foursquare characteristics. The structure’s design integrity has been somewhat compromised by alterations to the front porch and cornice, and by conversion from single family to duplex use.

This is one of approximately 2,200 houses that are still extant out of more than 5,000 that were built by the end of 1906 in Seattle’s Central Area, Eastlake, First Hill, Leschi, Madison Park, Madrona, and North Capitol Hill neighborhoods.

A complete permit history, and a complete record of ownership and occupation have not yet been prepared for this property; however, the house appears to have been owned by Alexander Sather when it was surveyed by the Assessor in 1937. Karl Allen Miller acquired the structure through the settlement of an estate in 1992. Tod E. Nelson purchased the property from Karl Allen Miller and Michal H. Miller in 1998. The current owners bought the house from Nelson in 2000.


King County GIS Center Property Report (; accessed August 18, 2008)

King County Property Record Card (c. 1938-1972) Washington State Archives

This is a two story, clapboard and wood shingle clad, wood frame duplex on a concrete foundation, over a full basement. The rectangular plan is capped by a hip roof with a cross gable. The building has moderate overhangs and enclosed soffits.

The windows and doors are characterized by patterns and details customarily associated with Queen Anne architecture and the hipped main roof with cross gable is a a character defining feature of Queen Anne work. The cutaway bays at the north and east elevations and the pent enclosed gable are also typical elements of that style.  The heavy, built-up wood piers at the projecting, asymmetrically placed, single-story front porch are suggestive of Foursquare design, as are the
corner bay windows at the upper story of the street facade (a typical feature of the local variant of Foursquare architecture known as the "Seattle box"); however, the fluting and "classical" detailing of the piers, the built-up porch entablature and dentil strip, the associated belly band wrapping the house at second floor level, and the built-up frieze with dentil strip at the base of the main roof overhang all give the composition a Queen Anne - Free Classic flavor.

This house was built as a single family residence in 1906 but was apparently was converted to use as a duplex at some point after 1937. Although the conversion must have resulted in some internal modifications, the structure's footprint and massing appear to have remained unchanged.

By 1960, the original cladding had be replaced or covered with composition siding design to imitate brick and stone veneer; however, the siding and most of the detailing has since been returned to its Depression era appearance. The closely spaced, heavy modillions that characterized the original cornices at the main roof and the porch roof were probably removed when the composition siding was installed and have not been replaced. More recently, the flat roof over the front porch has been modified to serve as a deck and the overhang at the porch appears to have been reduced slightly. A simple wood railing, in a style out of character with the design of the rest of the structure, has been added. A new, modern looking gutter system has replaced the original, further reducing the building's Free Classic flavor. A few of the window sashes appear to have been replaced with vinyl sashes.

Detail for 2809 S WASHINGTON ST S / Parcel ID 3416601000 / Inv # 0

Status: Yes - Hold
Classication: Building District Status:
Cladding(s): Shingle, Wood, Wood - Clapboard Foundation(s): Concrete - Poured
Roof Type(s): Flat with Eaves, Gable, Hip Roof Material(s): Unknown, Asphalt/Composition-Shingle
Building Type: Domestic - Single Family Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Balloon Frame/Platform Frame No. of Stories: two
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture
Changes to Plan: Slight
Changes to Original Cladding: Slight
Changes to Windows: Slight
Changes to Interior: Slight
Major Bibliographic References

Photo collection for 2809 S WASHINGTON ST S / Parcel ID 3416601000 / Inv # 0

Photo taken May 17, 2008
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