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Summary for 7700 SAND POINT WAY / Parcel ID 0225049062 / Inv # 0

Historic Name: NAS Seattle Building 101 -Tank Truck Loading Rack Common Name:
Style: Other Neighborhood:
Built By: Year Built: 1939
Built between 1939 and 1943, this structure was used to load tanks onto waiting trucks for transport.
This loading rack consists of a small ramp leading to a platform with posts at the four corners.

Detail for 7700 SAND POINT WAY / Parcel ID 0225049062 / Inv # 0

Classication: Structure District Status: NR, NR, NR, NR, NR, NR
Cladding(s): Foundation(s):
Roof Type(s): Roof Material(s):
Building Type: Defense - Military facility Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Steel No. of Stories: one
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture, Military
Changes to Plan: Intact
Major Bibliographic References

Photo collection for 7700 SAND POINT WAY / Parcel ID 0225049062 / Inv # 0

Photo taken May 07, 2009
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