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Summary for 7700 74TH ST & SAND POINT WAY / Parcel ID 0225049071 / Inv # 0

Historic Name: NAS Seattle Round-the-World-Flight Monument Common Name:
Style: Art Deco - PWA Moderne Neighborhood:
Built By: Year Built: 1924
The most important public event that occurred at Sand Point during King County ownership was the first round-the-world flight, which began and ended at the airfield. Four Douglas World Cruisers (two-seater biplanes) took off from Sand Point on April 6, 1924. The five-and-a-half month, worldwide aviation “drama” made news around the globe and occurred three years before Charles Lindbergh’s solo flight across the Atlantic. A total of 26,345 miles were logged on this historic trip. Throngs came out to Sand Point on the day of take-off and landing. The monument topped with a crown of bronze wings was erected to commemorate the historic flight and was dedicated in September 1924. Seattle sculptor Victor Alonzo Lewis designed and modeled the monument.
This 15-foot high, granite monument is crowned with bronze wings. A tablet on the west side of the object commemorates the round-the-world flyers. The monument sits just outside the entrance, west of Building 138 Gatehouse.

Detail for 7700 74TH ST & SAND POINT WAY / Parcel ID 0225049071 / Inv # 0

Classication: Structure District Status: NR, NR, NR, NR, NR, NR, NR, NR, NR, NR, NR, NR
Cladding(s): Stone Foundation(s): Unknown
Roof Type(s): None Roof Material(s): None
Building Type: Unknown Plan: Other
Structural System: Stone - Cut No. of Stories: two
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture, Military
Changes to Plan: Intact
Changes to Original Cladding: Intact
Other: Intact
Major Bibliographic References

Photo collection for 7700 74TH ST & SAND POINT WAY / Parcel ID 0225049071 / Inv # 0

Photo taken May 07, 2009

Photo taken May 07, 2009
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