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Summary for 3606 DAYTON AVE / Parcel ID 1972200785 / Inv # 0

Historic Name: Walter J. Santmyer House Common Name:
Style: Vernacular Neighborhood: Fremont
Built By: Year Built: 1901
There is conflicting information regarding the history of this property. King County property records indicate that this house was built in 1890 and/or 1901. It appears to have been originally built on the north end of Lot 15 whereas it is now located on Lot 14 (apparently moved there prior to 1937). King County 1895 tax rolls indicate that Lots 14, 16, 17, 18 were part of an estate; possibly the Chamber Estate managed by J.M. Anderson. Tax records indicate that there were no improvements on Lots 14 or 16. By 1900, Lot 15 had been improved and this house may have been constructed. William Millican is listed as the tax payer and he and his wife Alice along with ten children (between the ages of 6 and 35) appear to have been living in a house (or two houses located) on Lot 15. Mr. Millican was a merchant from Salem, Oregon who appears to have migrated to Seattle with his family sometime shortly after 1880. The 1904 Sanborn Insurance map shows a one-story house at 504 Kilbourne St. (N. 36th St.) and the subject house at 3606 Dayton, as well as a third house – a large two story dwelling – situated on Lot 16 (508 Kilbourne St.). King County property records indicate that the house at 508 Kilbourne St. was built in 1902 and that land parcel (Lot 16) and Lot 14 were purchased by Walter J. Santmyer (also spelled Santmeyer) on 7-22-02. While this is a very large residence in comparison to the subject property; according the 1937 PRC photograph it had very similar 8” wide horizontally grooved fir siding and the same distinctive window proportions. It is not known if the large house was specifically constructed for Mr. Santmyer or was pre-existing. In 1905, it was valued at $1200.00. By 1902, Walter J. Santmyer clearly owned Lot 14 where the subject house is now located; it is uncertain whether he owned the subject house, since it was located on Lot 15. According to Polk’s Directory (1901) Walter J. Santmyer was a chief engineer for Seattle Electric Company and was residing at 405 Westlake Avenue. According to Polk’s Directory (1902) he was residing at 505 Kilbourne St. The Sanborn Insurance Map (1904-05) indicates that there was no residence at this address; thus it seems likely that the correct address was 508 Kilbourne St. – the property in his ownership. The 1910 U.S. Census indicates that he was residing at the same address with his wife (Marian J.), an adult son, a brother-in-law, a sister-in-law, a niece and nephew and a boarder. The Polk’s Directory (1905, 1910 & 1915) clearly lists his residence as 508 Kilbourne St. and identifies him as the chief engineer for the Puget Sound Traction, Light & Power Co. The 1920 U.S. Census indicates that he was residing at 4115 Wallingford Avenue with his then wife, Rose A. By 1926, the Polk’s Directory indicates that Rose was the widow of Walter J. Santmyer. King County property records indicate that Santmyer family continued to own the subject house at 3606 Dayton and the large house at 508 Kilbourne St. until February 1942 when they were acquired by Fisher-Kalfus Funeral Home. Fisher-Kalfus Funeral Home (subsequently known as Hoffners Fisher-Kalfus Funeral Home) was found ca.1928 by George W. Fisher and Milton Kalfus. Prior to establishing this business, George Fisher lived at 322 NW 47th St. and worked as an embalmer at Columbia City Undertaking on Rainier Avenue. By 1929 he was residing at 508 N. 36th St (formerly Kilbourne St) – which by then was operating as a funeral home. Fisher-Kalfus appears to have been one of two funeral homes located in the neighborhood; the other being Rafferty Undertaking located at 3518 Fremont Ave. The 1937 PRC photograph documents the funeral parlor and original design of the large Santmyer House. In 1930, both the Kalfus and the Fisher families are listed as residing at 508 N. 36th St.; however by 1934 they are residing elsewhere. By 1942, when the property was purchase Mr. Fisher was identified as the company president and Mr. Kalfus as the mortician. The subject house appears to have been relocated to Lot 14 prior to having been recorded in 1937. The original 1902 (funeral home) building appears to have been repeatedly expanded to the west (absorbing Lot 15) and to the north, which must have necessitated the relocation of the small hipped cottage at 3606 Dayton a relatively short distance to the north. The entire land parcel and the subject property continued to be used for funeral home related purposes.
Located mid-block with façade oriented to the west. Simple, one story, wood-frame, single family dwelling that now serves as a rental house/apartment and is part of a larger .72 acre parcel that includes a mortuary and crematory. Measures approx. 24’ x 30’ w/partial concrete foundation and no basement level. Hipped – nearly pyramidal – roof form with a central chimney and a projecting 6’ x 10’ entry porch. Asphalt shingle roofing. Distinctive original 8” wide horizontally grooved fir siding appears to remain in place. Original tall, narrow double-hung wooden windows appear to remain in place. Glazed upper panel entry door appears to be the same as that shown in 1937 PRC photograph.

Detail for 3606 DAYTON AVE / Parcel ID 1972200785 / Inv # 0

Status: Yes - Inventory
Classication: Building District Status:
Cladding(s): Wood - Clapboard Foundation(s): Concrete - Poured
Roof Type(s): Pyramidal Roof Material(s): Asphalt/Composition
Building Type: Domestic - Single Family Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Balloon Frame/Platform Frame No. of Stories: one
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture
Changes to Plan: Slight
Changes to Windows: Intact
Changes to Original Cladding: Intact
Changes to Interior: Unknown
Major Bibliographic References
Polk's Seattle Directories, 1890-1996.
Sanborn (Insurance) Map Company, Seattle, Washington.
King County Tax Assessment Rolls, Washington State Archives.
King County Tax Assessor Records, ca. 1932-1972.
Baist Map of 1905, 1908 and 1912

Photo collection for 3606 DAYTON AVE / Parcel ID 1972200785 / Inv # 0

Photo taken Apr 07, 2009
App v2.0.1.0