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Summary for 922 N 49TH ST N / Parcel ID 9521101175 / Inv # 0

Historic Name: Michael J. & Rose Campbell House Common Name: Tom Veith House
Style: Arts & Crafts - Craftsman Neighborhood: Wallingford
Built By: Year Built: 1920
[Information to be added by owner]
This is a one and a half story, shingle clad, wood frame house on a concrete foundation over a full basement. The structure's rectangular plan is capped by a moderately sloped, side gabled main roof with open soffits and exposed rafter tails. A lower roof with a front-facing gable extends over the centered but less than full width projecting entry porch, which gives the structure a T-shaped footprint. A shed roofed "saddlebag" enclosing a portion of the kitchen cantilevers from the east elevation. A smaller cantilevered element projects under the eve of the main roof at the north (back) elevation.

Two large, fixed, four-part bungalow windows, each featuring a transom element with small divided lights, open on to the front porch either side of the centered entry door at the symmetrical south (front) elevation. A pair of small fixed windows light the attic over the porch. Another fixed window, this one with divided lights situated high in the wall at the west elevation, illuminates the west end of the living/dining room. A small fixed window lights a closet at the back of the house. The other windows at the main level are double-hung units arranged singly or in pairs. Paired double-hung windows are centered in the side gables and light the half-story above.

The alternating weather exposure of the cedar shingle siding, the wide barge boards supported by timber knee braces, the decorative trusswork in the peaks of the gables, the moderate roof slope, the exposed rafter tails, and the nearly full height, battered, shingle clad pedestals supporting the porch roof are all detail elements associated with craftsman bungalow design.

The footprint of the structure has not been altered; however, it appears the attic was finished at some point between 1945 and 1987. The back porch, at the northeast corner of the structure, may have been reduced in depth, though the detailing does not appear to have been significantly modified. The plastic bubble type skylight located at the northwest quadrant of the upper half story was installed prior to 1987; a similar but larger south facing skylight was removed by the current owner prior to 1991. A pair of double-hung windows lighting the kitchen at the east elevation and a single double-hung window at the north elevation appear to have been replaced in kind. The entry door and the back door have both been replaced. The entry stairs and the back porch stairs have both been rebuilt at least once. Some sidewall shingles appear to have been replaced in kind.

Detail for 922 N 49TH ST N / Parcel ID 9521101175 / Inv # 0

Status: Yes - Inventory
Classication: Building District Status:
Cladding(s): Shingle, Wood Foundation(s): Concrete - Poured, Post & Pier
Roof Type(s): Gable Roof Material(s): Asphalt/Composition-Shingle
Building Type: Domestic - Single Family Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Balloon Frame/Platform Frame No. of Stories: one & ½
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture
Changes to Plan: Slight
Changes to Windows: Slight
Changes to Original Cladding: Slight
Major Bibliographic References
U.S. Census Records (1880-1920)
City of Seattle DCLU Microfilm Records.
King County Property Record Card (c. 1938-1972), Washington State Archives.

Photo collection for 922 N 49TH ST N / Parcel ID 9521101175 / Inv # 0

Photo taken Apr 05, 2009
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