2724 4th Avenue South is located on the east side of 4th Avenue South mid-block between South Lander and Forest Streets. Its plan is rectangular, 100 feet by 135 feet. From 4th Avenue South, the front portion of the building appears as having as a conventional two story office building with a flat roof and parapet. In fact, behind the more conventional front portion of the building, there is a curved roof, set over bow trusses. The building’s most important feature is its 4th Avenue South façade. Many of the façade’s characteristic features are also extended for one bay along the south elevation.
The main 4th Avenue elevation is distinguished by a slightly asymmetrical composition, Roman brick veneer over exterior concrete block walls and long bands of multi-pane glazing, at the second level. At the second level, two long window openings, set north of the main entry, are filled with glazing divided into three major sections. Two similar openings are set to the south of the main entry and are followed by a longer and similar opening divided into four sections. Based on a comparison with an historical photo, taken about a year after the building’s completion, in 1947, the pattern of muntins and glazing is the same, although the glazing may be a replacement in kind.
On the other hand, single vertical panes of glass, separated by vertical mullions have replaced the original first floor glazing. The simple main entry is characterized by a thickening in the brick veneer and three small oblong window openings set over a trabeated door opening.