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Summary for 3200 4TH AVE / Parcel ID 7666204166 / Inv # 0

Historic Name: Pacific Hoist and Warehouse Company/ Machinery Mart Common Name: G & S Cabinet & Granite
Style: Art Deco, Other - Industrial Neighborhood: Duwamish
Built By: Year Built: 1931
In the opinion of the survey, this property is located in a potential historic districe (National and/or local).

Architect: William M. Jones

Based on early construction drawings, this building was designed by architect William M. Jones as an office and warehouse for the Pacific Hoist and Warehouse Company.  These drawings, which appear to be original construction drawings, are dated from around 1931, while the King County Tax Assessor’s Record Card gives a completion date of 1928. Therefore, the building, as it now stands, was built sometime between 1928 and 1931, but most likely around 1931.

In any case, the main façade has retained its architectural integrity, and given the size of the rest of the building, so has the entire building. On the other hand, siding on the back, side elevations appears to have been replaced. Another element that is clearly not original are the very large yellow signs, advertising the present occupant, “ G S Cabinet and Granite; however, adding large signs to the building certainly has a precedent. A photo from 1936 indicates that the words “MACHINERY MART” appeared on the slightly lower, central parapet of the façade. Another sign, partially covered in the 1936 photo also appeared on the south elevation: “CLETRAC TRACTORS.” Another minor element is now gone: there was a sort of free standing entry, which mimicked the angled parapet nearby and also included shorter version of the brick and cast stone pilaster. This semi-detached “triumphal arch” was set on the south side of the building. There is no longer any sign of it, but it was never a major element of the building.


3200 4th Avenue South is located in the southeast corner of 4th Avenue South and Hanford Street. This building is fairly large, about 80’ by 200’ feet in plan and is two stories in height. It stands out primarily because of its shorter main façade, set along 4th Avenue South. The façade is characterized by red masonry walls, contrasting cast stone ornament and multi-pane steel sash. The overall shape of the building is also somewhat unusual in its combination of roof forms. Although, at first glance, they look like modern additions, they have been part of the building for a long time.

The front part of the building has a flat roof and parapet. The main façade is symmetrical and divided into three parts. A longer central portion is lower and topped by a straight parapet. A long band of multi-pane steel sash, divided into three primary sections by vertical elements, runs the length of the top level of the central portion of the facade. The resulting central bay is further divided into two glazed areas by a vertical mullion. There is a visible operable area, (2 panes in length by  2 panes in width), set within each of these subdivisions. The longer flanking glazed areas are also subdivided into three. Operable areas, also delineated by thicker muntins, are visible at the end subdivisions. Corresponding to the second story glazed band, are ground level storefronts, which flank a central, recessed doorway.

A shorter single bay with a raised and shallow angled parapet is set to each side of the façade’s central bay. Pilasters created out of long and repeated vertical rows of angled brick emphasize the vertical edges of each of these bays. The pilasters have dark gray cast stone bases and ornamental capitals. The ornament, in the Art Deco style, includes a symmetrical floral motif, with a stylized volute to each side. Similar cast stone also caps the top of the angled parapet.

Three single, oblong window openings, also with multi-pane glazing, are set at the second level of each of the side bays. The central opening is slightly narrower than the flanking ones, which are also graced with a central operable area of glazing. A soldier course of bricks is visible above these openings and the storefront level below. The ground floor storefront is made up of two large pieces of plate glass.

Based on a historical photo from 1936 and original construction drawings, the plate glass of the ground floor storefronts, as well as the existing multi-pane sash, are either original or an excellent replacement in kind. The configuration of the main entry the ground level seems very close to what is shown in original drawings, as well as the photo.

North and south elevations, which are contiguous to the main façade, each have two floors of four rectangular openings, also with multi-pane sash. These elevations correspond to the front portion of the building, which has a flat roof and parapet.

Moving farther back (east), the brick portion of the building is only about one story. A low, second level, which is set back from the parapet of the lower level, has a low-pitched roof and a band of multi-pane clerestory glazing on both the north and south elevations; although some of the glazing on the south side is covered up. Moving farther back, the low second level is succeeded by a higher second story, also set back from the lower roof parapet and topped by a low-pitched roof. This portion of the building also has large expanses of multi-pane glazing. The shape of these two distinct second story levels is not new, but appears in the historical photo from 1936. Although these second story structures appear to have some sort of horizontal shingle siding in the historical photo, it seems likely that the present siding, painted yellow, is relatively new. Still the overall shape of this portion of the building, which seems somewhat unusual, is original and has been retained.

In general, a significant amount of what appears to be original multi-pane glazing, (or excellent replacements in kind), has been retained on the back portions of the ground floor level elevations, facing both north and south.

Detail for 3200 4TH AVE / Parcel ID 7666204166 / Inv # 0

Status: Yes - Inventory
Classication: Building District Status:
Cladding(s): Brick, Concrete, Stone - Cast, Wood Foundation(s): Concrete - Poured
Roof Type(s): Flat with Parapet, Varied roof lines Roof Material(s): Asphalt/Composition
Building Type: Industry/Processing/Extraction - Manufacturing Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Mixed No. of Stories: two
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture, Commerce, Manufacturing/Industry
Changes to Plan: Slight
Changes to Original Cladding: Slight
Changes to Windows: Slight
Storefront: Slight
Major Bibliographic References
King County Property Record Card (c. 1938-1972), Washington State Archives.
Polk's Seattle Directories, 1890-1996.
Drawings, Microfiche Files, Department of Planning and Development.
King County Assessor Property Characteristics Report, database at --parcel locator

Photo collection for 3200 4TH AVE / Parcel ID 7666204166 / Inv # 0

Photo taken Jul 18, 2011
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