This is a one story
building with a basement. It is located mid-block between S Holgate and S
Walker Streets, on the west side of Airport Way South. Its roof is primarily
flat, although a variety of mechanical equipment sits on top of it.
The main façade is along
Airport Way South and is divided into two primary sections.
Although the exterior
walls of the original building are of reinforced concrete, there is additional
brick veneer on the recessed bays of the north portion of the facade. This
portion of the façade is divided into three bays, marked by engaged concrete
pilasters, which tie into an outer concrete frame. The concrete frame and
pilasters, now painted white, define three recessed bays, which are also
covered with brick veneer. The central bay has three square window openings,
filled with multi-pane steel sash. Typically, each window has three panes in
the horizontal direction and three panes in the vertical direction, with what
was formerly an operable pane at the center. To each side of the central bay of
this northern portion of the façade, there is a narrower bay with a single,
typical, square window opening. Based on an early photo of the building façade,
the northern portion of the elevation had changed little, except for the
introduction of air conditioning units in the location of the original operable
window panes. This occurs in the central window of the central bay, as well as
in the windows of the bays to each side.
This northern portion of
the building has a parapet along Airport Way South and partially so on its very
short south elevation. The short elevation also includes a similar window
opening with multi-pane glazing.
The southern portion of
the main facade has always been more utilitarian in nature and is primarily
loading dock. Formerly, the loading dock had an overhang, which has been
removed. The loading dock itself has been closed in and a series of service
doors added.