This building is located on the southeast corner of First Avenue South and South Dakota Street. Rectangular in plan, it has main elevations along First Avenue South (west) and S Dakota Street (north). A portion of the building, located at the corner of First Avenue South and S Dakota St, is two stories in height, while the rest of the building, as seen from the main elevations, is one story in height. Walls are concrete on the north wing of the building, particularly along S Dakota Street and of contrasting masonry on the south wing of the building.
The two-story portion of the building appears almost as a concrete cube. Long bands of glazing, set in metal frames, mark the top of both the First Avenue South and the S Dakota St elevations. Similar glazing – a band of four windows, as well as a separate single window opening - marks the south side of the 1st Avenue South elevation. A concrete awning, set over an entry, is an important feature of the two- story portion of the S Dakota elevation. The awning, which reflects the Moderne influence, includes a central semi-circular portion, set between two small, narrow rectangular wings.
The rest of the South Dakota elevation, which is one story in height, presents concrete wall, which is recessed back from the two-story wing. It includes a band of six windows to the west, close to the two-story wing, followed to the east by a trabeated opening, which includes an entry with new sidelights and transoms.
The back south wing of the building has masonry walls set over a concrete base and is one story in height. Along First Avenue, the elevation, which is located to the south of the two-story wing, is partially covered by a vehicular ramp. The elevation includes three rectangular openings with original multi-pane steel sash. The back south elevation, which faces a courtyard, has the same construction and similar windows.