Summary for 1627 BELMONT AVE / Parcel ID 880490-0755 / Inv # 0 |
Detail for 1627 BELMONT AVE / Parcel ID 880490-0755 / Inv # 0 |
Status: |
Yes - Hold |
Classication: |
Building |
District Status: |
Cladding(s): |
Stucco |
Foundation(s): |
Concrete - Block |
Roof Type(s): |
Flat with Parapet |
Roof Material(s): |
Building Type: |
Domestic - Multiple Family |
Plan: |
Rectangular |
Structural System: |
Balloon Frame/Platform Frame |
No. of Stories: |
two |
Unit Theme(s): |
Architecture/Landscape Architecture |
Integrity |
Changes to Plan: |
Intact |
Changes to Windows: |
Slight |
Changes to Original Cladding: |
Slight |
Major Bibliographic References |
King County Assessor Property Characteristics Report, database at --parcel locator
Photo collection for 1627 BELMONT AVE / Parcel ID 880490-0755 / Inv # 0 |
Photo taken Jun 26, 2011