Please see 333 Westlake Ave N. [Pande Cameron Building – Durant-Star Co./Dunn Motors Showroom] for Westlake Avenue N. – Historic Context Statement.
Constructed in 1948, this commercial building originally housed Forsberg Indian Co. Motorcycles (Polk 1948/49), Sanborn Insurance Co. 1951). By 1956 it was the location of Evelyn’s Apparel Studio, and in 1957 in housed the General Electric Appliance Service Center (Polk 1956,1957). Subsequent to the appliance center it housed a Napa Auto Parts store. Currently, several food providers and a wine bar share space in the building. While constructed during an important period of industrial,commercial and warehouse development in the South Lake Union neighborhood, and although it remains largely intact with the exception of moderate changes to the windows and the addition of canvas awnings over the storefront windows, this building does not exhibit any noteworthy architectural details nor is it significant for historical association.
Bibliographical References:
Polk, R.L.
1948/49 City Directory of Seattle. R. L. Polk & Co., Seattle
1956 City Directory of Seattle. R. L. Polk & Co., Seattle
1957 City Directory of Seattle. R. L. Polk & Co., Seattle
Sandborn Insurance Company
1951 Sandborn Fire Insurance Maps of Seattle, WA 1905-Mar.1951. Sandborn Insurance Co., New York.
King County Property Record Card (1937-1972), Puget Sound Regional Archives