Former garage/warehouse building designed and constructed in 1951-52 for United Parcel Service (UPS). Constructed according to Permit #409333 and construction drawings included in DPD Microfilm Library. Structural engineer Bruce C. Olsen. Contractor: Donald C. Shaw (Los Angeles). Constructed as a modern garage and distribution center during an era of national expansion beyond West Coast operation. Two wood-frame residences were demolished in order to construct the building. UPS relocated to new regional distribution center near 4th Avenue S. and S. Dakota Street in 1969 during period of national/international expansion. In 1971, the facility was purchased by King County Library System and renovated for use as an administrative and processing center in order to serve 40 branch libraries in King County. Current use; museum shops & storage (EMP).
This property has been altered. Based on field examination conducted in January - February 2014, this property exhibits poor physical integrity and does not exhibit significant historic building fabric or features. Based on preliminary research and comparison with other extant and similar properties, it does not appear to possess significant historical associations or design attributes.