This property has been altered. Based on field examination conducted in January - February 2014, this property exhibits poor physical integrity and does not exhibit significant historic building fabric or features. Based on preliminary research and comparison with other extant and similar properties, it does not appear to possess significant historical associations or design attributes.
While constructed during an important period of industrial, commercial and warehouse development in the district,due to the degree of alterations this property appears unlikely to meet Landmark designation status.
This small commercial building was constructed in 1946 for owner Lee McNair. The original building use was offices. The architect was Bittman & Sanders. Tax records from 1966 identify the building owner as R.L. Hutton and the building use as sales and warehouse. A roof sign attached above the parapet identifies the building as "West Coast Heating & Plumbing Co."
Bibliographical References: King County Property Record Card (1937-72), Puget Sound Regional Archives.