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Summary for 1121 DEXTER AVE / Parcel ID / Inv # 0

Historic Name: Martineaus Auto Rebuild Common Name: Peter Stoner Architects, LLC
Style: Modern Neighborhood: South Lake Union
Built By: Year Built: 1946

This property has been altered.
 Based on field examination conducted in January - February 2014, this property exhibits poor physical integrity and does not exhibit significant historic building fabric or features. Based on preliminary research and comparison with other extant and similar properties, it does not appear to possess significant historical associations or design attributes.

While constructed during an important period of industrial,commercial and warehouse development in the district, due to the degree of alterations this property appears unlikely to meet Landmark designation status.

This property is located in Eden's Addition No. 2 N.

Built in 1946, this small commercial building originally served as an auto rebuilding garage.  The King County Property Record Card from 1946 displays a photo of the building with the business name "Martineaus Auto Rebuild" and the City Directory of Seattle (Polk) from 1948-49 verifies this early tenant. Later commercial tenants included Butren Oil Products Co., (Polk 1955), Central Wholesale Services Retread Tires (Polk 1960), and Yal Motor Service Auto Repair (Polk 1965 and 1970).  The current use is an architect's office.  The original garage doors and large, divided metal frame windows have been changed to new aluminum frame windows and an aluminum frame glazed entry door with transoms above and flanking sidelights.  A modern, curved steel canopy has been installed above the entry and the concrete masonry unit-clad facades have been painted.

Bibliographical References: King County Property Record Card (1937-1972), Puget Sound Regional Archives

Bibliographical References:

Polk, R.L.

1948/49 City Directory of Seattle. R. L. Polk& Co., Seattle

1955 City Directory of Seattle. R. L. Polk &Co., Seattle


1965 City Directory of Seattle. R. L. Polk &Co., Seattle

1970 City Directory of Seattle. R. L. Polk & Co., Seattle

This one story commercial building has a rectangular plan, flat roof, and large aluminum-frame windows. The entry is at the west end of the front facade and is sheltered by a curved steel canopy. The walls are painted CMU. 

Detail for 1121 DEXTER AVE / Parcel ID / Inv # 0

Classication: Building District Status:
Cladding(s): Concrete - Block Foundation(s): Concrete - Poured
Roof Type(s): Flat Roof Material(s): Unknown
Building Type: Commercial/Trade - Business Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Concrete - Block No. of Stories: one
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture
Changes to Plan: Intact
Changes to Windows: Extensive
Changes to Original Cladding: Slight
Major Bibliographic References

Photo collection for 1121 DEXTER AVE / Parcel ID / Inv # 0

Photo taken Feb 10, 2014
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