Constructed in 1949, this one-story commercial building features a U-shaped footprint and faces east. The rear facade abuts an alley; the south facade is set back from the lot line with a narrow ramp descending to a basement doorway along the alley and an open lawn area along First Avenue N. The building features a slight inset along the west facade with a loading dock along the back, beneath a shed roof that is supported on slender metal columns.
A flat roof with parapets and clad with rolled roofing shelters interior spaces. A concrete foundation supports the concrete block structure. Roman brick veneer clads the front facade.
Windows consist of multi-lite metal sash units with concrete sills. These occur on the south and west facades, and the inner sides of the U. The north portion of the building features 1:1 and 2:2 wood sash windows.
Storefronts extend along First Avenue North and include 521, 519, and 515 First Avenue N. A west service entrance consists of a flush panel metal door.
The storefront at 521 features a contemporary storefront system composed of vertical boards and vinyl sash windows with a recessed entrance.
The storefront at 519 remains intact with steel frame display windows, roman brick bulkheads, and a tile sill along the bulkheads. The storefront has a contemporary door and transom.
The storefront at 515 features contemporary display windows above low roman brick clad bulkheads. A thin tile sill extends along the top of the bulkheads. A recessed entrance below a contemporary two-lite transom leads to the interior. Vertical board infills the north display window.
Alterations include painting out of windows and the awnings and signage along 1st Avenue N. The current awnings replaced an original flat awning that projected the length of the front facade.