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Summary for 711 4TH AVE / Parcel ID 5457801270 / Inv # 0

Historic Name: Common Name:
Style: Colonial - Colonial Revival Neighborhood: Queen Anne
Built By: Year Built: 1944

This Colonial Revival style duplex building is in the Uptown neighborhood. Existed by 1951 in the Sanborn maps. Listed as 711 and 711-1/2. Architect Arthur E. Edwards Jr. designed the one story rear addition for owner Jennie Houghton in 1955.


Constructed in the 1930s, this two-story building features a rectangular plan and fronts Fourth Avenue N. A small yard enclosed with a white picket fence extends along the front facade. A gravel driveway to the south of the building leads to the site. A large lawn extends to the west with mature trees along the north side of the property and off the southwest corner of the building. Low shrubs grow along the south side of the building.

A hip roof shelters interior spaces. Composition asphalt shingles clad the roof. The building features flush eaves with a gutter along the outer edge of the roof. An internal hollow clay tile chimney services the building; a hip roof extends over the front stoop and a hip roof addition extends to the rear of the building.

A concrete foundation supports the building’s platform frame. Shingles clad the building.

Windows on the front facade consist of fixed 12-lite sash flanked by wood shutters with decorative conifer tree cut outs; 8:1 sash windows on the south and north facade feature the same wood shutters. Wall-mounted wood planters are below the first story window.

The front stoop provides access to both of the building’s dwelling units. A flight of concrete stairs leads to a low concrete landing. Clustered wood posts with decorative trim support a beam carrying the outer edge of the hip roof over the stoop. Separate wood-sash, 15-lite doors with mail slots in the lower wood panel provide access to each of the units. Each doorway features decorative casings with a wall-mounted light fixture above the doorway. A doorway at the west end of the south facade (three lower panels with four upper lites) provides access to the building. A flight of stairs adjacent this doorway leads to upper story doorways.

Alterations include a hipped roof rear addition clad with shingles. A separate door on the south side of this addition provides access. A former garage in the northwest corner of the lot was removed.

Detail for 711 4TH AVE / Parcel ID 5457801270 / Inv # 0

Status: Yes - Hold
Classication: Building District Status:
Cladding(s): Shingle, Wood - Clapboard Foundation(s): Concrete - Poured
Roof Type(s): Hip Roof Material(s): Asphalt/Composition-Shingle
Building Type: Domestic - Multiple Family Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Balloon Frame/Platform Frame No. of Stories: two
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture
Changes to Plan: Moderate
Changes to Windows: Intact
Changes to Original Cladding: Intact
Major Bibliographic References
King County Property Record Card (c. 1938-1972), Washington State Archives.
City of Seattle DPD Microfilm Records.

Photo collection for 711 4TH AVE / Parcel ID 5457801270 / Inv # 0

Photo taken Feb 28, 2018

Photo taken Feb 22, 2018

Photo taken Jan 01, 1900

Photo taken Jan 01, 1900

Photo taken Feb 27, 2018
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