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Summary for 508 DENNY WAY / Parcel ID 1991200235 / Inv # 0

Historic Name: Common Name:
Style: None Neighborhood: Queen Anne
Built By: Year Built: 1919

This commercial building is in the Uptown neighborhood.


Constructed ca. 1900 and 1919, this masonry commercial building is located along the north side of Denny Way. The site is generally level with the building’s front oriented south towards Denny Way. This one-story building features a flat roof with parapets and a full basement; itstands on a poured concrete foundation and has a rectangular plan.

The building consists of several parts constructed at different times. The portion at the southwest corner with a square plan is the oldest portion, constructed ca. 1900 and is signified by the parapet line evident in aerial photographs. The larger L-shaped portion, constructed in 1919, extends from Denny Way north along the alley and wraps around over to Fifth Avenue N.

The southwest corner features a tall flat parapet and two storefront bays that were reconfigured to their current state ca. 1950s to 1960s. Roman brick clads the piers between the storefronts and low bulkheads below the display windows. Aluminum sash display windows occupy each storefront. Remnant decorative mullions and capitols remain along the west facade; these stem from the building’s former stone-clad exterior, which is currently clad with painted stucco. A personnel door provides interior access with three upper vinyl windows for day lighting.

The L-shaped portion of the building features a large service bay recessed below the roof along Denny Way. Wood beams span the service bay, connecting to an outer beam along the south edge of the roof. The parapet along the south side features a stepped middle portion and outer corners. Exterior walls consist of common bond brick with a stucco coating on the south facade. A board formed concrete foundation supports the brick walls.

Window openings feature elliptical arched, rowlock brick headers with flat lintels spanning each opening and rowlock sills. Two wood sash 12-lite windows remain at the south end of the east facade. Replacement 1:1 windows extend north along the alley facade and at least one former window opening has been bricked in on the east alley facade an another modified to accommodate a personnel door.

A garage door at the north end of the east facade provides access to the basement car garage. Massive side hinged wood doors with 15 upper lites and a lower wood panel provide access to the basement space. A steel beam spans this wide opening. The west facade features a large garage door with a roll-up metal door, flanked by five-lite vinyl side lites. The finish veneer brick on this facade is not bonded with header courses to the building structure. Brick soldier courses accent the headers at the basement (parking garage) level windows, first story windows, a band along the base of the facade, and the garage door opening.

Basement level windows are single lite wood sash units with exterior metal security bars. First story windows are nine-lite vinyl units. Rowlock brick sills occur at the first story window openings. Expressed brick piers divide the facade into three bays. Decorative diamond shaped raised elements accent the tops of the piers. A projecting rowlock course runs along the middle of the parapet. The parapet features a round, arched, and raised section at the middle of the facade, with a projecting brick shelf below the space framed within the raised section.

Detail for 508 DENNY WAY / Parcel ID 1991200235 / Inv # 0

Status: No - Altered
Classication: Building District Status:
Cladding(s): Brick - Roman, Stucco, Brick - Common Bond Foundation(s): Concrete - Poured
Roof Type(s): Flat with Parapet Roof Material(s): Asphalt/Composition-Rolled
Building Type: Commercial/Trade - Business Plan: Irregular
Structural System: Brick No. of Stories: one
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture
Changes to Plan: Moderate
Changes to Windows: Moderate
Changes to Original Cladding: Moderate
Major Bibliographic References
King County Property Record Card (c. 1938-1972), Washington State Archives.
Sanborn (Insurance) Map Company, Seattle, Washington.

Photo collection for 508 DENNY WAY / Parcel ID 1991200235 / Inv # 0

Photo taken Feb 22, 2018

Photo taken Feb 22, 2018

Photo taken Feb 22, 2018

Photo taken Feb 22, 2018

Photo taken Feb 22, 2018

Photo taken Jan 01, 1900

Photo taken Jan 01, 1900

Photo taken Jan 01, 1900
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