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Summary for 721 E PINE ST E / Parcel ID 6003000550 / Inv # 0

Historic Name: Safety Service Company Common Name: Bill's Off Broadway
Style: Commercial Neighborhood: Pike/Pine
Built By: Year Built: 1920

This is typical one-story brick masonry commercial building was constructed in 1920, probably as an auto repair garage.  In 1938 it housed at least two auto-related businesses, the Safety Service Company and a piston ring shop. Later, Flick & Rash, a well-known parts dealer and repair garage, occupied the building for many years. It currently has two vehicle-related businesses plus a restaurant, Bill’s Off Broadway, which occupies the corner storefront.  The building is a good example of its type, with modest tile ornamentation, multipaned transom windows and a distinctive corner entry. It is generally very intact.   

This one-story building is of solid brick construction with a brick exterior. Below the simple brick cornice is a wide concrete frieze with tile insets in a diamond pattern. Some of these tile insets appear in the 1937 assessor's photo; others have been either restored or added at the top of each pilaster. The main entry is at the corner, with a brick supporting column. The storefronts are largely intact with original display windows; transom windows have been restored. A garage entry is on the north side

Detail for 721 E PINE ST E / Parcel ID 6003000550 / Inv # 0

Status: Yes - Inventory
Classication: Building District Status:
Cladding(s): Brick Foundation(s): Concrete - Poured
Roof Type(s): Flat Roof Material(s): Unknown
Building Type: Transportation - Road- Related Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Masonry - Unreinforced No. of Stories: one
Unit Theme(s): Commerce, Transportation
Changes to Plan: Intact
Changes to Windows: Intact
Changes to Original Cladding: Intact
Major Bibliographic References
King County Property Record Card (c. 1938-1972), Washington State Archives.
Polk's Seattle Directories, 1890-1996.

Photo collection for 721 E PINE ST E / Parcel ID 6003000550 / Inv # 0

Photo taken Jun 22, 2011
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