Historic Name: |
Common Name: |
Style: |
Arts & Crafts - Craftsman |
Neighborhood: |
Wallingford |
Built By: |
Year Built: |
1912 |
Significance |
This house was built in 1912 by its owner, E. Almquist, who listed his address as 4521 Eastern Avenue N. on the permit application. The designer of the structure is not known.
The building is significant because it retains a high degree of integrity and is a somewhat atypical example of the craftsman bungalow in Wallingford. Although the structure’s detailing is clearly indicative of the craftsman style, the massing and some aspects of the fenestration suggest patterns more often connected with Queen Anne period residences.
The house is located at the southwest corner of N. 43rd Street and 1st Avenue N. E., an intersection where N. 43rd Street jogs to the south. This situation makes the house especially prominent for persons traveling westbound on N. E. 43rd Street. The fact that the massing of the house echoes the jog in the street grid is an interesting, if arcane, feature of the design.
Appearance |
This is a 1-1/2 story, shingle clad frame residence built on a concrete foundation over a full basement. Although the footprint of the building is nearly rectangular, the massing suggests an “L” shaped structure, and this together with the relatively steep pitch of the roof is indicative of Queen Anne styling. The north-facing gable fronting on N. 43rd St. is paired with a south-facing gable on the opposite side of the house to define the main ridgeline of the structure. The east-facing gable, fronting on 1st Avenue N., may also be paired with an equal size gable on the west; however, the latter gable is associated with a second floor bay that projects beyond the west elevation of the house and may not be an original feature of the building (the windows at this gable appear to be relatively new).
The rectangular footprint is filled out by a north-facing porch occupying the inside of the elbow formed by the volume of the house itself. This porch is sheltered in part by a large trellis supported by square, shingle-clad piers. The western end of the porch is tucked under the north-facing gable and into the volume of the northern wing of the structure. The piers at the western end of the porch perform multiple functions; while appearing to support an extension of the porch trellis, they also flank the entry stair landing, marking the entry to the house, and provide bearing for the upper floor at the missing the northeast corner of the north wing. The porch trellis and piers, the exposed undersides of the broad overhangs, the wide bargeboards supported by triangular timber knee braces, and the exposed rafter tails, are all elements associated with the craftsman style.
The north and east facing gables each feature a centered pair of double hung windows flanked by a pair of low, square, four-light windows that probably illuminate either bedroom closets or attic storage spaces. At the main level of the east-facing gable end, two pairs of double hung windows (each window consisting of a twelve-light upper sash over an undivided lower sash) are symmetrically arranged to illuminate one of the reception rooms. At the north facing gable end, a three part window assembly, consisting of one large double hung unit flanked by two narrower double hung units, is forced off center by the intrusion of the entry porch. The center unit consists of a ten-light upper sash over a larger undivided lower sash; the flanking units each consist of a four light upper sash over a larger undivided lower sash. A similar three unit window is located in the north wall of the east wing of the house and opens onto the porch; it is centered between two of the shingle-clad piers supporting the trellis. The entry door is flanked by divided sidelights and is centered on the axis of the entry stairs between the westernmost pair of porch piers.
The terrace garage appears to be an early addition to the site; however, there is no record of it in the permit history. The garage door has been replaced. The intention to construct a retaining wall is noted in the building permit issued for the house; however, it is not clear if this is the retaining wall that forms the northern and eastern edges of the building site.
Although the upper floor extension at the west elevation may be an addition, it is difficult to see from the street. No other significant modifications to the structure are apparent. |