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Summary for 1809 Minor AVE / Parcel ID 0660002140 / Inv #

Historic Name: Dairy Building for Carl H. Peterson Common Name: Unknown (under renovation)
Style: Commercial Neighborhood: Denny Triangle
Built By: Year Built:
This building was designed as a “Dairy Building” for Carl H. Peterson by the architecture firm of Stephen and Stephen in 1917, according to records of extant drawings. Subsequent changes were made to the building, mostly on the interior in 1924 by Stephen, Stephen and Brust, the successor firm to Stephen and Stephen. Two roof skylights were also added in 1924. By 1938, the building housed the headquarters for Purity Ice Cream Company. Based on an original photo from 1936, the building had eight over one, double-hung windows at the second level and what appear to be decorative panels between the second floor windows in the side bay and the glazing or storefront below. At present, the building appears as an example of a typical early Twentieth Century warehouse building, distinguished by its subtle use of bricks to create visual interest. In fact, the building façade has been altered from its original appearance, which was somewhat more ornate. The building is associated with a distinguished architecture firm, Stephen and Stephen. James Stephen, born in the Province of Ontario, Canada in 1858, had a varied practice, but is best known as the architect of many Seattle schools. Stephen was first hired by the Seattle School District in 1898. He prepared a first model school plan in 1901. The resulting schools, all designed in wood frame, included such buildings as the Summit School of 1904-5 and the John Hay School of 1905. A second model school plan used fireproof materials, such as brick, terra cotta and cast stone. Adopted by the School District in 1908, the second model produced school buildings designed in Gothic Revival or late Jacobean styles. Examples of these designs include the former Queen Anne School and Franklin High School. In 1908, Frederick Bennett Stephen, James Stephen’s son, returned to Seattle, after receiving a B.Arch. from the University of Pennsylvania. The architectural partnership of Stephen and Stephen was founded. The new firm widened its influence and designed schools all over Washington State. One of the most striking examples is the Everett High School, clearly influenced by the Beaux Arts style and completed in 1910. Subsequently, in 1917, a friend of the younger Stephen from the University of Pennsylvania, William G. Brust joined the firm. By 1927, Brust had an independent practice. He later designed the Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church (1929), Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (1946-47), Hope Lutheran Church (1948) and the O. E. Turnquist Company Warehouse (1947-48). Although the building is associated with some distinguished local Seattle architects, its current design does not fit particularly well into the work of these architects. While the overall shape of the building remains, its overall integrity has been compromised.
This is a simple two story building with brick walls and a rectangular footprint. The main facade, which is clad in grey brick, faces Minor Avenue. The symmetrical façade is divided into three bays covered by a raised parapet. The top of the parapet over the wider flanking bays gently angles up to the higher, but horizontal coping of the parapet over the central bay. Below the coping, the parapet is decorated over the side bays by a trapezoidal frame, created by slightly extruded header bricks, filled with a herringbone brick pattern. The trapezoidal shapes, mirror images of each other, are set symmetrically to each side of a smaller central rectangle. Below this, in the side bays, there is replacement storefront glazing. The central bay has replacement glazing at the second level, with below it, a central doorway. Slightly extruded header bricks are also used to create a frame around the openings and to emphasize the central entry. There is a secondary elevation, probably not meant to be seen from the street, which faces north on a vacant lot and toward Stewart Street. Its only distinguishing original feature is a row of seven, single segmental openings at the second level, each with a double-hung window. There is also one single, solitary segmental opening, with double-hung window at the ground floor level. In a recent remodel, two large multi-pane rectangular glazed openings have been added toward the back of the elevation. Also, during the same remodel, another small addition was made to the west. This addition, however, does not compromise the original historical structure.

Detail for 1809 Minor AVE / Parcel ID 0660002140 / Inv #

Status: Yes - Inventory
Classication: Building District Status: INV
Cladding(s): Brick Foundation(s): Concrete - Poured
Roof Type(s): Flat with Parapet Roof Material(s): Asphalt/Composition, Other
Building Type: Commercial/Trade - Specialty store Plan: Rectangular
Structural System: Masonry - Unreinforced No. of Stories: three
Unit Theme(s): Architecture/Landscape Architecture, Agriculture, Commerce
Changes to Original Cladding: Slight
Changes to Windows: Moderate
Changes to Plan: Slight
Major Bibliographic References
City of Seattle DCLU Microfilm Records.
King County Property Record Card (c. 1938-1972), Washington State Archives.
Polk's Seattle Directories, 1890-1996.

Photo collection for 1809 Minor AVE / Parcel ID 0660002140 / Inv #

Photo taken Mar 27, 2006
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