Director's Rules

Active Director's Rules by Year


DR # Name
1-2024 Implementation of the Fee Subtitle, Building Valuation Data
2-2024 City of Seattle Light Rail Design Guidelines
4-2024 Adjustment to the amount of relocation assistance payment (Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance)
5-2024 Adjustment to the Amount of Emergency Relocation Assistance Payment Under the Housing and Building Maintenance Code
7-2024 Designation of Tier 2 Trees


DR # Name
2-2023 Update of ECA Liquefaction-Prone Areas Map
3-2023 Frequent Transit Service Area Map
8-2023 Payment in lieu of tree replacement pursuant to the Tree Protection Code
9-2023 Exemptions from State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Requirements
10-2023 Administration of the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections Tree Service Provider Registry
12-2023 Interpretation and Administration of the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections Tree Protection Code: Tree Replacement Requirements
13-2023 Treatment of Multiple Rental Rate Options in Calculating Required Rent-Increase Notices Pursuant to SMC 22.212.


DR # Name
9-2022 Establishment for the Record of Uses Not Established By Permit


DR # Name
2-2021 Implementation of the Fee Subtitle
3-2021 U.W. Stormwater Code Adjustment
4-2021 Green Building Standard
5-2021 Transportation Management Programs
7-2021 Alternate Design Requirements for lateral force-resisting systems in buildings between 160 and 185 feet in height
8-2021 Alternate Design Requirements for Use of Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls in Over Height Buildings
9-2021 Right to Legal Counsel in Eviction Proceedings (SMC 22.206.195) Reference Language Requirement for Notices Issued Pursuant to SMC 22.206.160.C.
11-2021 Adjustment to the Amount of Relocation Assistance Payment Under the Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance
12-2021 Adjustment to the Amount of Emergency Relocation Assistance Payment Under the Housing and Building Maintenance Code
13-2021 Determination of State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Review Exemption Levels for Infill Residential and Mixed-Use Development in Urban Centers and Urban Villages
14-2021 RRIO Checklist Update
15-2021 Seismic Evaluation Report Requirements for Buildings Undergoing Substantial Alterations
16-2021 Commercial kitchen exhaust hood and ducts: Alternative exhaust duct termination locations for small commercial kitchen exhaust systems in taller buildings


DR # Name
4-2020 Exemptions from Installation permits
5-2020 Emergency Shutdown Switch
6-2020 Bicycle Parking Guidelines and Application of Bicycle Parking Development Standards
9-2020 Verification of floating on-water residences and house barges
10-2020 Requirement for a Master Use Permit when there is an establishment, expansion or change of use
11-2020 Standards for Landscaping, including Green Factor
16-2020 Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance Exemption (SMC 22.210.040.G) Relocation Plan Requirements


DR # Name
4-2019 Yards, setback, and gross floor area for purposes of Land Use Code Standards
6-2019 Adjustment to the Amount of Relocation Assistance Payment Under the Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance
8-2019 Location of Property Lines Used to Determine Required Wall, Projection, and Opening Protection for Properties Using Easements and Other Legal Instruments to Meet Side Yard Standards in Single Family Zones.
12-2019 Update of ECA Mapping for Combined Known Landslide and Steep Slope Erosion Hazard areas
15-2019 Prohibited Acts by Owners (SMC 22.206.180.K) Reference Language Requirement for Landlord-Tenant Notices


DR # Name
1-2018 Building Valuation Data
4-2018 Requirements for Early Community Outreach for Design Review
9-2018 Clarification and corrections to energy modeling procedures of the 2015 Seattle Energy Code
10-2018 Adjust Amount Emerg. Reloc Assist Payment Under HBMC
13-2018 Great Blue Heron
16-2018 Graywater Containment and Pumpout Requirements for Floating on Water Residences (FOWRs) and House Barges expanding by more than 120 square feet
17-2018 Calculating Tree Valuations & Civil penalties for Tree Protection Code Violations
18-2018 Implementation of the Fee Subtitle
19-2018 Determining if two or more development proposals are considered as one for applying State Environmental Policy Act categorical exemptions and Design Review thresholds
21-2018 Marijuana Dispersion Rule


DR # Name
2-2017 Alternate for the use of lateral force-resisting systems in buildings between 160 and 185 feet in height
5-2017 Lake to Bay Street Design Concept Plan Appendix N to Right-of-Way Improvements Manual* *The Right-of-Way Improvements Manual is SDOT’s Director’s Rule 07-2012.
9-2017 Small Efficiency Dwelling Units
11-2017 Installation of Large signs for public notice
17-2017 Stormwater Manual Vols.1-5
19-2017 Partial/phased occupancy, occupancy during construction & temp. c of occupancy
23-2017 RRIO checklist
24-2017 Timing of Incentive Zoning Developer Contributions for Projects with Approved Phased Construction Permitting
31-2017 Streets Illustrated: Seattle’s Right-of-Way Improvements Manual


DR # Name
4-2016 Noncommercial Speech on Signs
5-2016 General Duties & Responsibilities of Geotechnical Engineers
6-2016 Additional General Duties & Responsibilities of Structural & Geotech Special Inspection Agencies
9-2016 Transitional Encampments
13-2016 Floor Area Limit for Religious Facilities in SM-SLU 85-240 Zone
14-2016 Application of Mandatory Housing Affordability for Residential Development (MHA-R) in contract rezones.


DR # Name
3-2015 RRIO Inspection Selection Methodology
15-2015 Structural Steel Welder Qualifications
16-2015 Adjustment to the Amount of Emergency Relocation Assistance Under the Housing and Building Maintenance Code
26-2015 Grading Season Extension
28-2015 Local Infrastructure Project Area Boundary


DR # Name
2-2014 RRIO Registration Schedule for Rental Properties with 1-4 units
5-2014 Seismic Design Alternative for Elevators
7-2014 Sprinkler Systems & Fire Alarms for Elevator Machinery Rooms, Cpontrol Rooms, Hoistways & Pits
10-2014 Steel fabricators
11-2014 Continuously Approved Concrete Design Mixes: Review Criteria & Procedure
12-2014 Shotcrete for Structural Applications, Including Duties & Responsibilities of Registered Special Inspectors
13-2014 Continuous & Periodic Batch Plant Inspection Procedures
14-2014 Post-tensioned concrete Installation & Special Inspection Requirements
15-2014 Yesler Terrace Director's Rule: Allowable Stormwater, Groundwater, and Sewer Release Rates to the Combined Sewer System and Infiltration Zones
23-2014 Method of Specifying Thickness of Spray-Applied Resistant Material (SFRM) for Structural Steel
24-2014 Field Inspection Procedures for Spray- Applied Fire Resistant Material (SFRM)


DR # Name
1-2013 Implementation of the Fee Subtitle, Building Valuation Data
4-2013 Westlake Streetscape Concept Plan w/ Appendix H to Right-of-Way Improvements Manual Appendix H to Right-of-Way Improvements Manual*
7-2013 South Lake Union Street Concept Plans
8-2013 Roosevelt Neighborhood Streetscape Concept Plan
9-2013 Thomas Green Street Concept Plan
10-2013 Denny Way Streetscape Concept Plan
11-2013 10th & 11th Avenue Streetscape Concept Plan
17-2013 General RRIO Property Registration clarifications
19-2013 Clarifying terms and provisions regarding minor communications utilities (personal wireless facilities) in all zones
22-2013R Rescinding 10-87 & 12-87


DR # Name
2-2012 West Seattle Triangle Streetscape Concept Plan
3-2012 Character structures that cannot be demolished if incentives allowing additional height and floor size are used on a lot within the Pike/Pine Conservation Overlay District
4-2012 Height Measurement: Calculating average grade level
7-2012 Testing of stairway and hoistway pressurization systems in high rise buildings
8-2012 Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Evaluations For Applications Exempt From SEPA Environmental Review
17-2012 Applicability of Street-Level Use Limits in Mapped Areas Per 23.47A.005.C.1.g


DR # Name
3-2011 Refund of Development Fees
4-2011 Requirements for Design & Construction of Side Sewers (Drainage & Wastewater Discharges)
5-2011 Side Sewer Enforcement
12-2011 Nighttime Amplified Sound Rules
27-2011R Rescind 27-2005


DR # Name
5-2010 Repeal sidewalk cafe joint rule
12-2010 Maynard Ave S & S Lane St Streetscape Concept Plan


DR # Name
3-2009 Variances from the Standards of the Noise Control Code, SMC 25.08
4-2009 Demolition permits w/ waste diversion plan
5-2009 Transportation Concurrency Project Review System
10-2009 Small Diameter Pipe Piles (Pin Piles)
11-2009 Queen Anne Ave N Streetscape Concept Plan


DR # Name
13-2008 Requirements for Measuring the Annual High Static Groundwater Level
14-2008 Infiltration Facilities in Peat Settlement-Prone Areas
20-2008 Pike & Pine Streetscape Conceptual Design
23-2008 Criteria for Allowing 6'-4" Ceiling Height in Dwelling Units
24-2008 Determining Level of Repair for Damaged Buildings


DR # Name
3-2007 Application Submittal Requirements in Environmentally Critical Areas
4-2007 Permanent Markers Delineating ECAs and Associated Buffer Areas
6-2007 Review of Visual Artworks
7-2007 Determination of Residential Setbacks in the Shoreline District
11-2007 Green Streets: Design Guidelines and Review Process


DR # Name
11-2006 Augercast Piles: Mix, Inspection, and Reporting Requirements
19-2006 Requirements for Wetland Professionals and Wetland Delineation Reports
23-2006 Skybridge Permits
30-2006 Update of Wetland Environmentally Critical Areas Mapping
32-2006 Requirements for a Letter of Certification in Environmentally Critical Areas
34-2006 Pedestrian Bridges in the Conservancy Waterway Shoreline Environment


DR # Name
11-2005 Terry Avenue North Street Design Guidelines [see Right of Way Improvements Manual, Section 6.1.8]
12-2005 Clarifying measurement techniques regarding structure height on lots with unusual topographic conditions in all zones, except downtown zones and the shoreline district.
13-2005 Alterations to Doors Opening into Corridors Which Are Not Part of a Stairwell Enclosure
14-2005 Alterations to Doors Opening into a Stairwell Enclosure
15-2005 Alternate Locking Devices for Sliding Patio Doors
16-2005 Reasonably Weathertight, Watertight and Damp-free Building Components
20-2005 Implementing the Fee Subtitle - Tree and Vegetation Removal
24-2005 Storage and Use of Hazardous Materials, Including Flammable And Combustible Liquids, in Freight Containers Outside of Buildings
29-2005 Structural Support of Ducts and Mechanical Equipment
30-2005 Ventilation Systems in Research and Educational Laboratories (Fume Hoods)


DR # Name
5-2004 Alteration and Repair of Unreinforced Masonry Chimneys


DR # Name
5-2003 Statement of Financial Responsibility for Payment of Fees
8-2003 Use of Mechanical Parking Lifts to provide Required Off-Street Parking
9-2003 Exemptions from Shoreline Program Permit Requirements
11-2003 Seattle Design Guidelines for Link Light Rail, Beacon Hill Station


DR # Name
9-2002 Determination of Certain Multifamily Development Standards on Lots Zoned Partly Single Family and Partly Multifamily
10-2002 Indexing of DCLU Records pursuant to the State Public Disclosure Act
13-2002 Solar Collectors: Eligibility Criteria and System Efficiency Requirements
15-2002 Ballard Street Master Plan [see Right of Way Improvements Manual, section 6.1.8]


DR # Name
15-2001 Update of Environmentally Critical Areas Mapping


DR # Name
8-2000 Building Identification Plan Requirement for Properties Having More than Two Buildings
28-2000 Submittal Requirements for a Variance Application under the Housing and Building Maintenance Code


DR # Name
7-99 Fire Inspection Procedures for Spray-Applied Fire-Resistive Materials (SFRM)
9-99 Major Institution Master Plans Annual Status Report Requirements
17-99 Verification of Shoreline District Boundary Line


DR # Name
2-98 Clarification of State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Historic Preservation Policy for Potential Archeologically Significant Sites and Requirements for Archeological Assessments
3-98 Minimum Structure Height Requirements in Pioneer Square Historic District Do Not Apply to Elevated Streets, Bridges or Pedestrian Walkways


DR # Name
11-97 Sign Height and Building Facades
16-97 Permit Applications for Properties Subject to Condemnation Proceedings


DR # Name
25-96 Determination of Lot Area When There Is Discrepancy Between Platted and Surveyed Lot Dimensions
38-96 Exemptions from Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Requirements for Contract Purchasers
40-96 Signs Attached to or Located on Stationary Motor Vehicles
41-96 Selection of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Consultants


DR # Name
10-95 Attached vs. Detached as Applied to Accessory Structures and Accessory Uses


DR # Name
5-93 Developmental Coverage
8-93 Acknowledgement of Risk of Development on Sites with Potentially Hazardous Conditions


DR # Name
7-91 Setting Fees to Recover City Costs for Review of Projects Subject to Northgate Area Interim Traffic Standards
9-91 Application Submittal Requirements for Surplus Highway Property Sold by the State Department of Transportation
13-91 Mobile Home Park Resident Assistance Ordinance Relocation Report and Plan: Procedures, Definitions and Implementation


DR # Name
6-90 Junk Storage Prohibited as an Accessory Use to Residential Uses
20-90 Regulation and Enforcement of Investigative Field Work Performed in Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Shorelines


DR # Name
8-89 Development Activity Requiring a Permit or License Under the Floodplain Development Ordinance: Exemptions
21-89 Parking Requirements for Outdoor Seating Areas for Restaurants


DR # Name
2-88 Standards and Verification Procedures for Extermination Programs Required by the Housing and Building Maintenance Code
5-88 Clarification of the Terms "Waste" and "Nuisance" as a Just Cause for Eviction
6-88 Notification to Tenant for Late Rent as a Just Cause for Eviction
20-88 Property Located Partly Within and Partly Out of the Shoreline District
49-88 SEPA Exemption on Split-Zoned Lots
56-88 Exemption of Director's Rules from Compliance with SEPA


DR # Name
9-87 Construction of Boats and Repair of Motor Vehicles and Boats in Residential Zones
23-87 General Duties and Responsibilities of Registered Special Inspectors
36-87 Definition of "Next More Intensive Zone" as Used in Land Use Code (Title 23)


DR # Name
18-86 Size of Required Queuing Spaces
22-86 Parking Requirements When There Is a Change of Use in a Portion of an Existing Building
23-86 Parking Requirements for Accessory Uses
24-86 Prorating Common Areas for Parking Requirements
34-86 Substituting Vanpools for Long-Term Unrestricted Parking Stalls


DR # Name
4-85 Height Measurement: Survey Requirements


DR # Name
6-83 Clarification of Pitched Roof Height Allowance
7-83 Determining the Existence of a Dwelling Unit for the Purpose of Code Enforcement
25-83 Religious Symbols and Associated Roof Area


DR # Name
32-82 Small Animals Regulated by the Land Use Code
41-82 Replacement of Portions of Structures Nonconforming as to Lot Coverage
43-82 Defining "Permanent Foundation"

188 Rules Found

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We publish official legal notice for all Director’s Rules in Seattle's Daily Journal of Commerce. We also publish notice about land use rules in our Land Use Information Bulletin through the Seattle Services Portal. To receive an email alert when the Land Use Information Bulletin is posted contact our Public Resource Center.


Draft Director's Rules


DDR 1-2025, Implementation of the Fee Subtitle, Building Valuation Data

View public notice


Still Need Help?

If you have questions about superseded or rescinded rules, please contact Faye Emmanuel at (206) 684-0114.