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Search results for sites in neighborhood Cascade

 AddressHistoric NameCommon Name
View219 PONTIUS AVE  Daedalus Press/ Labor Ready
View516 YALE AVE  516 Yale Avenue North
View1314 Denny WAY Jorgensen's Furniture and Upholstery StoreAdatto Construction
View409 YALE AVE Stokes Inc./Howard S. Wright General Contractors/ Fuller (Brush) BuildingSpruce Street School
View420 Pontius AVE 428 Pontius Avenue N.Outdoor Emporium
View1260 Harrison ST Warehouse for Howard S. Wright ConstructionNew Discovery School
View318 Fairview AVE Bricklayers' Building International Union #2Bricklayers' Building
View413 Minor AVE 413 Minor Avenue North413 Minor Avenue North
View417 SW MINOR AVE SW 417 Minor Avenue North417 Minor Avenue North
View226 1/2 Minor AVE 226 1/2 Minor Avenue N.Cascade Shelter Project
View1206 REPUBLICAN ST 1206 Republican St.1206 Republican St.
View327 Eastlake AVE Washington Teachers’ Credit UnionPemco Annex
View1170 Republican ST 1164-1168-1170 Republican StreetNeudorfer Engineering
View1265 REPUBLICAN ST Supply Laundry1265 Republican Street/433 Yale Ave. N.
View1255 Harrison ST Central Supply Center for Seattle School District #1Evergreen Wholesale Florist
View117 Yale AVE Rodgers Tile Company (117-121 Yale Ave. N)911 Contemporary Arts Center
View133 Minor AVE 133 Minor Avenue N.133 Minor Avenue N.
View314 FAIRVIEW AVE 314 Fairview Ave. N 
View221 Minor 219-223 Minor Ave. N / Drotning Dental LaboratoryRetail Lock Box
View101-109 EASTLAKE AVE Olympic Pie Company (101-107 Eastlake)/ Boren Cabinet Shop (1943)Graceland
View1167 Mercer ST Messenger SignsMessenger Signs
View420 YALE AVE Northwest Electric CompanySeattle Wholesale Floral
View306 Fairview AVE Graphic Photo Co.306 Fairview Ave. N
View Harrison-Thomas St, Minor-Pontius AVE Cascade Playground Comfort StationCascade Park WPA Bathrooms
View500 YALE AVE 500 Yale Ave N. (?)500 Yale Ave N.
View1310 Harrison ST Rectory- St. Spiridon Orthodox CathedralSts. Cyril and Methodius Education Building
View300 Fairview AVE Packard Bell TV FactoryThe Van Ackeren Property Inc.
View234 Fairview AVE 234 FairviewFairview Bar & Grill
View1250 DENNY WAY Northcoast Transportation CompanyGreyhound Bus Garage
View230 Fairview AVE Machenheimer Bldg for Social Security AdministrationCascade Natural Gas (office building)
View535 PONTIUS AVE 535 Pontius Avenue NorthPayette Industries Inc.
View Harrison-Thomas St, Minor-Pontius AVE Cascade PlaygroundCascade Park
View133 Pontius AVE Apartment Bldg for J M BrewsterThe Brewster
View421 Eastlake AVE Garage for A. A. Bain and A. D. Shafer/ Pontius GarageForeign Auto Rebuild
View401- 5 YALE AVE Hugh Sweeney Grocer(y)/ Coffee Hut and ApartmentsCoffee Hut & Apartments
View1210 Republican ST 1210 Republican St1210 Republican St.
View527 Eastlake AVE Carolina Court (Apartment House for Claude C. Ramsay, Esq.)Carolina Court
View1220 Republican ST 1220 Republican Street1220 Republican Street
View1175 Harrison ST Mastercraft Metal FinishingMastercraft Metal Inc.
View401 Pontius AVE Jones BuildingEvergreen Safety Council
View1333 Stewart AVE Firestone Auto Supply and Service Stores/Triangle Tire Company (30s) / Hill & Olswang (Paints, Wallpaper in 1950s)-121-131Eastlake AvenueFirst Choice Business Machines
View425 Eastlake AVE 425 Eastlake AvenueSommerfeld & Co.
View504-14 YALE AVE Forest Interiors CorporationFrank Potter & Associates
View224 1/2 Minor AVE 224 1/2 Minor Avenue N.Cascade Shelter Project-Rear Bldg on S. side
View500 FAIRVIEW AVE 500-508 Fairview Ave. N.Youth Resource Center (Div. of Juvenile Rehabilitation)
View1331 Stewart ST Edwards Auto Repair - 113 Eastlake Ave. E.Greg's Japanese Auto
View430-26 YALE AVE O. E. Turnquist Construction CompanyPilchuk Glass Admin. Office & Caresource
View424 MINOR AVE Nebar Supply Co.Nebar Supply Co.
View333 Pontius AVE Cascade Playground Comfort Station 
View1301 Mercer ST 1301 Roy Street624 Yale Avenue N/ 1301 Roy St
View1172 Republican ST 1172 Republican Street1172 Republican Street
View224 - 226 Minor AVE 224 Minor Avenue N.Cascade Shelter Project
View231-3 YALE AVE 231 Yale Avenue N.PEMCO New Claims Center
View624 Yale AVE 1301 Roy StreetGunning and Associates (624 Yale Ave. N/ 1301 Roy Street)
View414 PONTIUS AVE Office Building for Howard WrightFrontier Geosciences
View215 Pontius AVE 215 Pontius AvenueThe Pontius
View1202 HARRISON ST York CorporationHome Owners Club
View1165 Harrison ST Van Hoeter BakeriesTaco Del Mar
View1310 Mercer ST 600-610 Yale Ave. N.Mercer Building
View603 Pontius AVE The CarltonThe Carlton
View1124 EASTLAKE AVE Felder Shoe Co. FactoryBuffalo Building
View1165 EASTLAKE AVE Washington Laundry Co.The Lab
View221 YALE AVE Metropolitan Laundry Garage BuildingPEMCO Claims Center Garage
View409 Eastlake AVE Grand View ApartmentsGrandview Apartments
View429 Eastlake AVE Rainwater & Company (1930s); the Green Tavern (1950s)Lobo Tavern & Glass Art
View1000 FAIRVIEW AVE Piggly-Wiggly WarehouseFairview Building FHCRC
View222 MINOR AVE Cameron BuildingWalsh Constructioin
View434 Yale AVE Office and Warehouse for O. E. Turnquist"Bubba Mavis Gallery" ( 2 other businesses)
View500/502 Minor AVE 502 -500 Minor Avenue N.502 Minor Avenue N.
View222 Fairview AVE Cascade Natural GasCascade Natural Gas
View223 Pontius AVE 223 Pontius Ave. N.223 Pontius Ave. N.
View820 YALE AVE Hi-Grade Dairy Co. PlantAloha Building FHCRC
View Harrison-Thomas St, Minor-Pontus AVE Cascade Playground Wading Pool and GardenCascade Park Wading Pool and Garden
View1275 Mercer ST Kenworth Motor Truck CompanyBargreen Ellingson
View Harrison-Thomas St, Minor-Pontius AVE Cascade Playground Retaining WallsCascade Park Retaining Walls
View509 MINOR AVE Keyston, Inc. Warehouse 
View1370 STEWART ST Pryde Corp. Real EstateStewart-John Building
View1210 VALLEY ST William Dierickx Co. WarehouseHutch Kids Child Care Center
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