
Tips are designed to provide user-friendly information on the range of City permitting, land use and code compliance policies and procedures you may encounter while conducting business with the City.

Tip # Name Dept
100 Getting a Multifamily or Commercial Construction Permit from SDCI SDCI
101 Getting a Residential Dwelling Unit Permit from SDCI SDCI
102 Small Business: Getting Your Use and Building Permit from SDCI SDCI
103 Site Plan Requirements SDCI
103A Site Plan Guidelines SDCI
103B Environmentally Critical Area Site Plan Requirements SDCI
104 Getting an OTC (Online Trade-Construction) Permit SDCI
106 General Standards for Plans and Drawings SDCI
107 SDCI Public Records SDCI
108 Regulations Governing Child Care Centers SDCI
110 Requesting a Code Amendment SDCI
111 Construction and Development in Floodplains SDCI
114 Establishing an Artist's Studio/Dwelling in an Existing Building SDCI
116A Establishing an Attached Accessory Dwelling Unit (AADU) in Residential Zones SDCI
116B Establishing a Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (DADU) SDCI
118 Making Sure Your Commercial Project Meets Seattle's Noise Ordinance Requirements SDCI
119 Accessibility Laws and Standards SDCI
120 Getting a Certificate of Occupancy SDCI
123 Seattle's Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance SDCI
124 Renewal and Reestablishment Process for Construction Permits SDCI
125 Codes That Apply to All Cultural Spaces SDCI
126 Sign, Awning & Billboard Permits SDCI
130 Addressing Review SDCI
132 Installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger for Single-Family and Multifamily Homes SDCI
133 Installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger for Commercial Properties SDCI
135 Parking Utilization Studies SDCI
136 Getting a Transitional Encampment Permit from SDCI SDCI
137 Getting a Refrigeration Permit from SDCI SDCI
201 Master Use Permit (MUP) Overview SDCI
205 Street, Alley, and Pedestrian Improvement Exceptions SDCI
206 Temporary Use Permits in Seattle SDCI
206A Temporary Use Permit: Elevator Use During Construction Phase SDCI
207 Review of Greenhouse Gas Emissions SDCI
208 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Review in Seattle SDCI
209 Application Requirements for Shoreline Permits SDCI
209A Shoreline Substantial Development Exemptions Application Instructions SDCI
210 Master Use Permit Requirements for Variances SDCI
211A Master Use Permit Requirements for Administrative Conditional Use (in Neighborhood Residential and Multifamily Zones) SDCI
211B Master Use Permit Requirements for Administrative Conditional Use (in Residential Commercial and Commercial Zones) SDCI
211C Minor Telecommunications SDCI
213A Application Requirements for Short Subdivisions and Unit Lot Subdivisions SDCI
213B Application Requirements for Lot Boundary Adjustments SDCI
213C Subdivision Process and Requirements SDCI
217 How to Legalize a Use Not Established by Permit SDCI
220 Lot Coverage, Height and Yard Standards for Homes in Neighborhood Residential Zones SDCI
221 Side Yard Easements and Accessory Structure Agreements for Neighborhood Residential Zones SDCI
224A Master Use Permit (MUP) Renewals and Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Extensions SDCI
224B Master Use Permit (MUP) Revisions SDCI
228 Application Requirements for Rezones and Contract Rezones SDCI
229 Residential Use of a Floating Home, House Barge, Floating On-Water Residence, or Vessel With a Dwelling Unit SDCI
229A Shoreline Permitting Requirements for Floating on Water Residences (FOWR) and House Barges SDCI
232 How to Appeal the Granting, Conditioning or Denial of Shoreline Permits SDCI
233 Sources for Property Information SDCI
236 Home Occupations SDCI
238 Design Review: General Information, Application Instructions, and Submittal Requirements SDCI
238B Streamlined Design Review: General Information, Application Instructions, and Submittal Requirements SDCI
238C Master Planned Community Design Review and Public Notice SDCI
242A Tree Requirements Associated with Development SDCI
242B Tree Removal on Private Property SDCI
242C SDCI Tree Service Provider Registry SDCI
242D Tree Public Notice SDCI
243 Transportation Mitigation Payments: South Lake Union and Northgate SDCI
244 Urban Agriculture SDCI
247 Development Site Permitting Guidelines SDCI
250 Best Management Practices in Seattle's Shoreline District SDCI
255 Legal Building Site Letters SDCI
256 Land Use Code Interpretations SDCI
257 Developer Contribution — Mandatory Housing Affordability SDCI
258 Developer Contributions — Incentive Zoning SDCI
303 Applicant Responsibilities and Plan Requirements for Single Family and Two-Unit Dwellings SDCI
303A Common Seattle Residential Code Requirements SDCI
304 Building Permit Requirements for Prefabricated Metal Buildings SDCI
305 Factory-Assembled Structures for Residential and Commercial Use SDCI
306 Temporary Structure Permits SDCI
309 Blanket Permits SDCI
310 Standard Plans SDCI
312 Decks, Fences and Arbors for Single Family Homes in Seattle SDCI
313 Required Predesign Conferences for High-Rise Structures and Buildings With an Atrium SDCI
314 Seattle Building Code Requirements for Existing Buildings that Undergo Substantial Alterations SDCI
316 Subject-to-Field-Inspection Permits SDCI
317 Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms, Heat Detectors, and Heat Alarms in Residences and Family Home Day Care SDCI
318 Construction Pre-Submittal Conference SDCI
319 Getting a Grip on Handrails SDCI
321 Rockeries: Prescriptive Design and Installation Standards SDCI
322 Spray-Applied Foam Insulation SDCI
324 Reducing Landslide and Stormwater Erosion Damage: What You Can Do SDCI
325 Environmentally Critical Areas: Peat Deposits SDCI
327a Environmentally Critical Areas Exemptions, Relief from Prohibition on Steep Slope Development, and Modifications to Submittal Requirements — Application Instructions and Submittal Requirements SDCI
327b Environmentally Critical Areas — Small Project Waivers Application Instructions and Submittal Requirements SDCI
328 Environmentally Critical Areas Exceptions SDCI
329 Environmentally Critical Areas Administrative Conditional Use Permit—Application Instructions and Submittal Requirements SDCI
330 Environmentally Critical Areas—Yard & Setback, Steep Slope Erosion Hazard and Wetland Buffer Variances SDCI
331 Environmentally Critical Areas—Tree and Vegetation Overview SDCI
331A Environmentally Critical Areas: Vegetation Restoration SDCI
331B Hazard Trees SDCI
332 Review of SDCI Decisions by the Construction Codes Advisory Board SDCI
333 Requirements for Verifying Contractor Registration SDCI
335 Changing the Professional of Record for a Building Permit Application or Active Permit SDCI
337 Demolition and Deconstruction SDCI
339 Emergency and Standby Power Systems SDCI
343 Opportunities for Flexibility in the Building Code SDCI
402 Concrete Encased Grounding Electrode SDCI
403 NFRC Labeling Requirements, 2018 Seattle Energy Code SDCI
414 STFI Mechanical Permits for Commercial & Multifamily Residential SDCI
415 Applicant Responsibilities and Plan Requirements for Mechanical Permits SDCI
419 Commissioning Requirements in the Seattle Energy Code "Commercial Building" Provisions SDCI
420 Solar Energy Systems SDCI
421 Controlled Receptacles SDCI
422 Renewable Energy and Solar-Ready Roofs for Commercial Buildings SDCI
423 Energy Compliance Through the Target Performance or Total Building Performance Paths SDCI
424 Heat Pump Water Heating for Commercial and Multifamily Buildings SDCI
425 HVAC Total System Performance Ratio (TSPR) SDCI
502 Grading Regulations and Submittal Requirements in Seattle SDCI
503 Side Sewer Permits in Seattle SDCI
504 Side Sewer As-Built Plan Requirements SDCI
505 High Point Impervious Surface Calculation SDCI
507 Build-Over and/or Re-Route Review and Approval Process SDCI
508 Grading and Retaining Wall Construction Near or Adjacent to Property Lines SDCI
515 Green Parking Lot SDCI
520 Rainwater Harvesting for Beneficial Use SDCI
531 Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) on Private Property: Post Construction Soil Management SDCI
601 Unsafe and Vacant Buildings: SDCI's Inspection Program/SFD's Inspection Program SDCI
602 Condominium Conversion: A Guide for Tenants, Prospective Buyers, and Owners SDCI
602a Condominium Conversion: A Guide for Owners and Developers SDCI
603 A Resident's Guide to Housing and Zoning Code Compliance SDCI
604 Seattle Laws On Property Owner and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities SDCI
604A Seattle Laws Regarding Building Maintenance and Repair SDCI
605 City Regulations for Maintaining Vacant Buildings SDCI
605A Maintaining Vacant Business Properties SDCI
606 Illegal Dwelling Units SDCI
608 Regulations Affecting Buildings Unfit for Human Habitation or Other Use SDCI
611 Weed and Vegetation Enforcement SDCI
612 When and How to Report a Code Violation to SDCI SDCI
620 Registering Your Rental Property SDCI
1102 Sewer Submeter Program SPU
1201 Water Availability Certificate SPU
1202 Water Service Application SPU
1301 Solid Waste: Information for Developers SPU
1302 Building Material Salvage and Recycling SPU
1401 SPU Survey Requirements SPU
1402 Survey Monument Protection SPU
2102 Certificate of Liability Insurance SDOT
2200 SDOT Street Improvement Permitting (SIP) Process SDOT
2201 90% Complete Street Improvement Plan Requirements SDOT
2203 Dedication of Right-of-Way or Easement SDOT
2204 Driveways and Curb Cuts SDOT
2206 Interdepartmental Permit Coordination for New Construction Projects SDOT
2208 Sidewalk Maintenance and Repair SDOT
2209 Permitting Requirements for Street Improvements SDOT
2211 SDOT Street Improvement Permitting (SIP) Design Guidance SDOT
2212 Base Map and Survey Requirements for Street Improvement Plans (SIP) SDOT
2213 60% Street Improvement Plan (SIP) Approval Process SDOT
2214 90% Street Improvement Plan (SIP) Intake Appointment and 90% Complete SIP Acceptance Processes SDOT
2216 SDOT Street Improvement Permitting (SIP) Pre-Construction Process SDOT
2217 SDOT Street Improvement Permitting (SIP) Inspections SDOT
2302 Tree Pruning or Removal Permits SDOT
2306 SDOT Green Factor Right-of-Way Permit SDOT
2600 Street Use Utility Permitting Requirements SDOT
2601 Pavement Restoration for Utility Service Connections SDOT
3000 Historic Preservation and SEPA Review DON
4000 Arts Space: Important Topics for Buying or Leasing a Space ARTS
5501 Seattle Marijuana Regulatory Business Licensing Information FAS
6000 B4B - Building for Broadband ITD