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Search results for sites with style Other - Industrial

 AddressHistoric NameCommon Name
View1701 1ST AVE Kellog's WarehouseWine Outlet Shop
View1022 6TH AVE Frye Warehouses 
View1101 AIRPORT WAY Washington Iron Works Pattern ShopRomaine Electric Company
View622 RAINIER AVE J. J. Wittwer & Company West Coast Printing
View65 S ATLANTIC ST S Bemis Brothers Bag CompanyBemis Building
View800 MAYNARD AVE Crescent Manufacturing CompanyRDA Building
View1214 S WELLER ST S  Royal Glass Company
View616 8TH AVE  Reprographics Northwest
View501 12TH AVE  Art Process Silk Screen
View1000 S WELLER ST S  Displaymaker
View913 S JACKSON ST S  Van's Produce
View417 9TH AVE  Uni-Part Warehouse
View1005 S KING ST S  Rising Produce
View710 7TH AVE  Arts of China Warehouse
View519 12TH AVE  Macpherson Leather Company
View1264 S KING ST S  Settle Automotive Distributors
View1419 S JACKSON ST S Rainier OvenCambium Landscape
View1750 OCCIDENTAL AVE  United Warehouse Company
View1239 S KING ST S  King's Oriental Foods
View2203 1ST AVE Eyres Transfer and Warehouse CompanyOutdoor Research
View1911 1ST AVE MacWhyte CompanyThe Paper Zone
View2245 1ST AVE Eyres Storage No. 22245 1st Ave S
View169 12TH AVE  St. Francis House
View2225 1ST AVE  Millwork Supply Company
View2951 1ST AVE C. J. Young Iron Works/ former address: 2959 1st Ave SGrowing Green Interiors (bldg 2 from 1940s)
View3411 1ST AVE Wire Rope Manufacturing & Equipment CompanyNorthwest Castings
View2462 1ST AVE Machine Shop for G. Pearson/ D. A. Johnson Hardwood CompanyPius Kitchen and Bath/ Funes and Oziel Furniture (previously)
View5033 1ST AVE Asbestos Supply Co./ J. W. Clise & Co.Craftsmen Ltd.
View5000 1ST AVE United Motors Service Inc. (5000 1st Ave S/ 187 S Hudson St)H. R. S. Hughes/ Tri-North Department Stores
View4634 E MARGINAL WAY E Container Corporation of AmericaArena Sports
View3301 1ST AVE  Jabon Freight Forwarders
View5021 COLORADO AVE Liquid Carbonic Co./ Liquid Carbonic Pacific Co.Old Liquid Carbonic Company
View2700 4TH AVE Mill and Mine Supply CompanyEsquin Wine Merchants
View3200 4TH AVE Pacific Hoist and Warehouse Company/ Machinery MartG & S Cabinet & Granite
View2727 6TH AVE H. Amick Sheet Metal WorksAmick Metal Fabricators
View3405 6TH AVE Link-Belt Co.Alaskan Copper Works
View5000 MARGINAL WAY Inger's Cafe-Cascade Service Station Inc./ Petroleum Transportation Company/ Totem Equipment Co.Hudson (Cafe)
View1555 4TH AVE Henry Disston & Sons, Inc.Filson
View2535 AIRPORT WAY Equipment Engineers/ "826 Lander St"American Trailer Repair
View3100 AIRPORT WAY Bayview Brewery Co./ Rainier Brewery Co.Tully's Coffee
View4021 AIRPORT WAY Rainier Ornamental Iron & Wire WorksTouratech
View5200 DENVER AVE Hazel Atlas Glass Company/ Olympic FoundryGeorgetown Brewing Company
View4000 1ST AVE Van Waters & Rogers, Inc.Cascade Designs Inc.
View4100 1ST AVE American Smelting and Refinery CompanyCrosscut Hardwoods
View130 S DAKOTA ST S Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. (warehouse)Cascade Designs Inc.
View2230 4TH AVE Pacific Iron and Metal Co.Pacific Iron and Metal Co.
View4809 AIRPORT WAY Kellogg & SonEmerald City Bindery
View3844 1ST AVE Seattle Hardware CompanyEaston Refrigeration
View1505 6TH AVE Unknown (1505 6th Ave S)Gulf Systems/ Asian Foods
View2411 6TH AVE Fruehauf Trailer & EquipmentIndustrial Plating Company
View2233 6TH AVE Westinghouse Electric Corporation/WescoWesco
View2702 6TH AVE Canal Boiler Works/ Union Machinery & Supply Co. & Clough Equipment ServiceCanal Boiler LP/ Emerald City Trapeze Arts
View2415 AIRPORT WAY Chain Belt Co.Nordstrom Catering
View2005 AIRPORT WAY Olympic Sausage CompanyOberto Sausage Co.
View2520 AIRPORT WAY Cummins Diesel Sales CorporationPhelps Tire Company
View5400 DENVER AVE Amalgamated Sugar Co.White Satin Sugar
View99 S SPOKANE ST S The Simmons Co./ Buffalo Sanitary Wipers Co.Buffalo Industries
View5055 4TH AVE 5055 4th Ave SHertz Equipment Rental
View5409 OHIO AVE Utilities Warehouse Inc.Western Utilities/Terminal (Marine/Comm Fish)
View2901 UTAH AVE  Washington Chain & Supply Company/ General Office
View2935 UTAH AVE Ederer Engineering CompanyEderer Incorporated
View2733 4TH AVE 2733 4th SEspresso Liquidators
View20 S IDAHO ST S E. H. Edwards Company/ Fraser Import CompanyFiberlay Company/
View2733 3RD AVE USS SteelsRabanco Recycling
View2901 UTAH AVE Alaska Junk Company - warehouseWashington Chain & Supply Company - Wire Rope Division
View3801 E MARGINAL WAY E  Ash Grove Cement Company
View1900 OCCIDENTAL AVE Associated Grocers Co-opEdward International-Kasala Outlet
View1964 4TH AVE Washington Furniture Manufacturing Co.Pacific Coast Feather Co.
View5212 6TH AVE Seattle Refrigeration and Manufacturing CompanyInca Marble & Granite
View301 W John ST W UnknownRadar Inc. Building
View110 Alaskan WAY Heffernan Engine WorksOld Firehouse Market
View901 Harrison ST Pioneer Sand and Gravel Company?/ Pacific Telephone and Telegraph CompanyKaufer's Christian Books and Gifts and Real Tine PR
View Phinney AVE Woodland Park Standpipe 
View3310 Harbor AVE UnknownElliot Bay Distributors
View8061 Densmore AVE North Shops, Seattle Water DepartmentNorth Park Shops Service Building
View1400 E PROSPECT ST E Volunteer Park Reservoir 
View1314 Denny WAY Jorgensen's Furniture and Upholstery StoreAdatto Construction
View 4th AVE SW Trenton Street North Standpipe 
View409 YALE AVE Stokes Inc./Howard S. Wright General Contractors/ Fuller (Brush) BuildingSpruce Street School
View805 S Charles ST S DAS Vehicle Maintenance Shop 
View3131 Western AVE UnknownNorthwest Work Lofts & Aspen Window Tinting
View3012 NE Blakely NE UnknownRacermate
View1500 N 34th ST N Orowheat BakeryIguana Amerimex Furnishings
View420 Pontius AVE 428 Pontius Avenue N.Outdoor Emporium
View1200 NE 64th ST NE UnknownUS West
View1030 Elliot AVE UnknownKollmar Sheet Metal
View14100 LINDEN AVE Bitter Lake Reservoir 
View 38th AVE SW Barton Street Standpipe 
View 38th AVE Magnolia Bluff Tank 
View3511 Interlake AVE  A & B Auto Parts
View1503 3rd AVE UnknownUS West
View 35th AVE SW Myrtle Street Tank No. 1 
View1265 REPUBLICAN ST Supply Laundry1265 Republican Street/433 Yale Ave. N.
View 39th AVE SW Charleston Street Standpipe 
View805 NE Northlake PL NE Office/Warehouse 
View155-161 Western AVE UnknownAlpha Building & NW Worklofts
View1255 Harrison ST Central Supply Center for Seattle School District #1Evergreen Wholesale Florist
View5269 Rainier AVE UnknownTwardus Iron and Wire works
View630 WESTLAKE AVE Lumber Shed 
View1107 Elliot AVE UnknownGardico, Inc.
View3815 4th AVE  Stone Press Editions, Layne Kleinary Studio
View1403 W Howe ST W Telephone Company GarageCentral West District Headquarters
View8061 Densmore AVE North Shops, Seattle Water DepartmentNorth Park Shops Office
View900 Thomas ST "Garage Building for M. J. Wist"/McPherson Furniture and Equipment CompanyHeet OFC Building
View635 Elliot AVE UnknownDarigold/West Farm Foods
View 4th AVE SW Trenton Street South Standpipe 
View1734 1ST AVE Buckner-Weatherby Co.Guardina Securtiy
View8526 ROOSEVELT WAY Maple Leaf Reservoir 
View509 Northlake WAY   
View2951 1ST AVE C. J. Young Iron WorksGrowing Green Interiors (bldg 1 from 1910s)
View1038 Elliot AVE Wilson Machine WorksWilson Machine Works
View1634 15th AVE Davidsen Furniture CompanyE-Z Mini Storage
View703 6th AVE Tricoach CorporationThe Ruins
View234 Fairview AVE 234 FairviewFairview Bar & Grill
View4200 Airport WAY Independent Brewing Co./Continental Can Co./Pacific Food ProductsSunny Jim Original Facility (SeaTran Shops)
View8061 Densmore AVE North Shops, Seattle Water DepartmentNorth Park Shops Office Building
View4040 Union Bay PL UnknownCorry's Fine Dry Cleaning
View303 NE Northlake WAY NE Ward's Cove Packing CompanyAlyeska Seafoods
View 35th AVE SW Myrtle Street Tank No. 2 
View2917 NE Blakely NE UnknownHentry Butler Co.
View3613 4th AVE South Substation Warehouse and ShopsSouth Service Center
View500 DEXTER AVE Garage and Maintenance Shop for Western Union Tel. Co.The Barking Lounge
View2920 NE Blakely NE UnknownBlakeley Commons
View 4th AVE SW Trenton Street Gate House 
View231 Dexter AVE 231 Dexter Avenue NorthSpeedy Auto Glass
View8061 Densmore AVE North Shops, Seattle Water DepartmentNorth Park Shops Open Parking Stalls
View1331 Stewart ST Edwards Auto Repair - 113 Eastlake Ave. E.Greg's Japanese Auto
View Roosevelt WAY Maple Leaf Tank 
View3815 5th AVE Freeway Hall 
View223 8th AVE West Coast Conditioned Air/ West Coast Heating and Plumbing CompanyBernard Imports Bodyworks
View3800 Latona AVE  Dunn Lumber Company
View1175 Harrison ST Mastercraft Metal FinishingMastercraft Metal Inc.
View5421 1ST AVE Savage Metal Products CompanyRSC Equipment Rental
View800 S MAYNARD ST S Crescent Manufacturing Co./Knickerbocker CompanyRDA Building
View2958 6TH AVE Robertson Freight Lines/ Warehouse for D. S. TobiasAlaskan Copper Employment Office
View1519 ALASKAN WAY Pacific Steamship Company1519 Alaskan Way S
View3601 BEACON AVE Beacon Hill North Reservoir 
View1275 Mercer ST Kenworth Motor Truck CompanyBargreen Ellingson
View1717 N Northlake PL N Murphy-Francis MarineHarbor Patrol Office
View814 NE 75th ST NE North Distribution Substation/North Substation Machine ShopNorth Substation Building B
View216 9th AVE A-One Ornamental Iron WorksA-One Ornamental Iron Works
View7200 12TH AVE Green Lake Reservoir 
View221 YALE AVE Metropolitan Laundry Garage BuildingPEMCO Claims Center Garage
View1064 4TH AVE Columbia Steel / U.S. SteelRomac Industries
View2210 N Pacific ST N UnknownThe Pacific Center for Cultural Arts
View8800 8TH AVE West Seattle Reservoir 
View1333 Stewart AVE Firestone Auto Supply and Service Stores/Triangle Tire Company (30s) / Hill & Olswang (Paints, Wallpaper in 1950s)-121-131Eastlake AvenueFirst Choice Business Machines
View3801 Latona AVE  Dunn Lumber
View3500 Interlake AVE SED Traffic Engineering Division Sign ShopsUniversity Child Development School
View429 Eastlake AVE Rainwater & Company (1930s); the Green Tavern (1950s)Lobo Tavern & Glass Art
View6900 35TH AVE SW Myrtle Street Reservoir 
View2328-2330 Harbor AVE UnknownBerg Scaffolding Co. & 1 Other
View3601 BEACON AVE Beacon Hill South Reservoir 
View600 Olive WAY Garage Building for the Olive Way Building Company/ Fox GarageEuropean Antiques
View1319 Western AVE Mutual Light and Heating Company/ Western Avenue Steam PlantSeattle Steam Corporation plant/ Western Avenue steam plant
View51 University ST Pacific Net and Twine Company/ Pacific Marine Supply CompanyImmunex
View1334 Alaskan WAY Diamond Ice and Storage CompanyShurgard Self Storage
View1000 4TH AVE National Grocery CompanySalvation Army Thrift Store Warehouse
View804 6TH AVE NePage McKenney Co.Pacific Fish Co. Bldg /Wan Hua Foods
View810 DEXTER AVE Seattle School District Warehouse/Shops 
View1001 WESTLAKE AVE Frederick Boyd Co. Factory & WarehouseAmerican Meter & Appliance
View820 YALE AVE Hi-Grade Dairy Co. PlantAloha Building FHCRC
View500 AURORA AVE J.T. Hardeman Hat Co. FactorySchool of Visual Concepts
View1000 FAIRVIEW AVE Piggly-Wiggly WarehouseFairview Building FHCRC
View124 TERRY AVE Brunswick BuildingBunge Foods
View200 TERRY AVE Sunset Electric Co. WarehouseSeattle Opera Warehouse/Shops
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