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 AddressHistoric NameCommon Name
View2828 BROADWAY AVE   
View1003 6TH AVE Armour Company WarehousePFI Warehouse
View4720 42ND AVE   
View4803 43RD AVE   
View4709 48TH AVE   
View4729 53RD AVE   
View6036 S ROXBURY ST S   
View4615 S OTHELLO ST S   
View7700 SAND POINT WAY NAS Seattle Building 101 -Tank Truck Loading Rack 
View7700 SAND POINT WAY NAS Seattle Building 54 - Hi-Explosive Magazine 
View7700 SAND POINT WAY NAS Seattle Building 55 - Hi-Explosive Magazine 
View7700 SAND POINT WAY NAS Seattle Building 119 - Dope Storage (Assembly & Repair) 
View7700 SAND POINT WAY NAS Seattle Building 328 - Officers Tennis Court 
View7700 SAND POINT WAY NAS Seattle Dirt Dike 
View7700 SAND POINT WAY NAS Seattle Overhead Walkway 
View916 20TH AVE   
View2307 RAINIER AVE  Remo Borracchini's Bakery & Med. Market
View2023 24TH AVE   
View6630 RAINIER AVE  Rainier Mini Mart
View1137 36TH AVE   
View5000 MARGINAL WAY Inger's Cafe-Cascade Service Station Inc./ Petroleum Transportation Company/ Totem Equipment Co.Hudson (Cafe)
View412 S LUCILE ST S 412 Lucile St412 S Lucile St
View1519 ALASKAN WAY U. S. Army Terminal (building)Coast Guard Museum Northwest/Pier 36
View306 S BRANDON ST S 306 Brandon St306 S. Brandon St
View211 S DAWSON ST S 211 Dawson St211 S Dawson St
View602 N 42ND ST N  Hillside Terrace Apartments
View118 S LUCILE ST S 118 Lucile St118 S Lucile St
View8210 10th AVE Fire Station #12South Park Community Service Center
View1555 15th AVE Unknown 
View814 NE 75th ST NE North Substation/North Receiving SubstationNorth Substation Building A
View3231 35th AVE   
View1247 15th AVE Volunteer Park Comfort Station 
View5900 Lake Washington BLVD Seward Park Fish Hatchery House & Garage 
View2820 E Ward ST E Washington Park Maintenance Shops 
View516 YALE AVE  516 Yale Avenue North
View1134 33rd AVE Fire Station No. 12Madrona-Sally Goldmark Branch, Seattle Public Library
View7201 E Green Lake DR E Green Lake Park Comfort Station #1 (c.1910) 
View3308 37th AVE   
View5849 15th AVE Cowen Park Shelter House 
View2555 8th AVE 7th Church of Christ Scientist7th Church of Christ Scientist
View802 ROY ST Puget Sound Power & Light Company ShopsParks Department Roy Street Maintenance Shops
View1531 Bradner PL Monte VergineOur Lady of Mount Virgin Church
View3300 24th AVE   
View4134 11th AVE Unknown 
View3225 25th AVE   
View4470 35th AVE West Seattle Golf Course Shop 
View4522 Brooklyn AVE UnknownUniversity Regency
View4710 19TH AVE Alpha Phi Sorority 
View170-172 20th AVE Herzl Synagogue 
View1303 Campus PKY Unknown 
View3201 HUNTER BLVD   
View3409 37th AVE   
View4731 15th AVE University Christian Church 
View7300 35th AVE Fire Station No. 37 
View305 Harrison ST The Seattle Mural/Century 21 MuralHoriuchi Mural and Stage/Mural Amphitheatre
View1206 REPUBLICAN ST 1206 Republican St.1206 Republican St.
View3236 37th AVE   
View305 Harrison ST Friendship Bell/Kobe Bell 
View2706 HARVARD AVE Duhamel-Parsons HouseFoley, Robert M. and Linda A., House
View833 S Thistle ST S UnknownNew Hope Presbyterian Church
View1400 E Galer ST E Volunteer Park Conservatory 
View1508 33rd AVE   
View3804 24th PL   
View5810 Cowen PL Park Vista ApartmentsPark Vista Apartments
View1304 NE 42nd ST NE Smart ApartmentsStanford Apartments
View1305 NE 43rd ST NE Washington Manor ApartmentsUniversity Manor Apartments
View4503 17TH AVE Phi Gamma Delta FraternityPhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
View4510 22nd AVE Sigma Kappa SororitySigma Kappa Sorority
View4337 15TH AVE Malloy ApartmentsMalloy Apartments
View4235 Brooklyn AVE Varsity ArmsVarsity Arms
View901-905 NE 43rd ST NE Eloraine ApartmentsCarter Hall Apartments
View1115 & 1119 NE 43rd ST NE Carol and Roberta Apartments 
View4725 15th AVE Wayfarer Cooperative 
View5503 33rd AVE Fire Station No. 38 
View4203 Brooklyn AVE Gellesley Apartments 
View4535 17TH AVE Theta Chi Fraternity 
View4548 Brooklyn AVE Christ Episcopal Church 
View3058 NW 54th ST NW Totem House Fish and ChipsTotem House Seafood and Chowder
View3240 Eastlake AVE Skewe's FurnitureThe Martello
View5003 15th AVE Unknown 
View1415 NE 43rd ST NE University Methodist Church 
View4103 S COURT ST S   
View1812 E Madison E UnknownUnknown
View3217 36th AVE   
View420 YALE AVE Northwest Electric CompanySeattle Wholesale Floral
View Harrison-Thomas St, Minor-Pontius AVE Cascade PlaygroundCascade Park
View720 25th AVE Talmud Torah SchoolIslamic School/Cherry Hill Child Develop
View4105 Brooklyn AVE UnknownLevere Apartments
View1833 Harvard AVE Abonita ApartmentsHarvard/Denny Medical Building
View2021 S ALASKA ST S   
View3902 WOODLAND PARK AVE Church of GodBuddhist Meditation & Study Center
View4541 Brooklyn AVE Unknown 
View4432 35th AVE West Seattle Stadium 
View5900 Lake Washington BLVD Seward Park Fish Hatchery Pump House 
View1518 S Washington ST S Unknown 
View1823 Nagle PL UnknownUnknown
View Pioneer Place Chief Seattle FountainChief Seattle Fountain
View1303 Campus PKY UnknownCavalier Apartments
View5204 Brooklyn AVE Unknown 
View4210 Brooklyn AVE Campus ApartmentsCampus Apartments
View6846 Oswego PL Fire Station No. 16 
View2216 4th AVE Unknown 
View Pioneer Place Totem Pole, The Totem Pole that Made Seattle Famous"Totem Pole
View5643 20TH AVE Unknown 
View1802 12th AVE UnknownAction Tree Service & Apartments
View4535 RAINIER AVE   
View1020 NE 50th ST NE Fire Station No. 17 
View614 NW 45th ST NW Canal Substation 
View Bikur Cholum Tabernacle 
View Harrison-Thomas St, Minor-Pontus AVE Cascade Playground Wading Pool and GardenCascade Park Wading Pool and Garden
View2755 E YESLER WAY E   
View Prefontaine PL Prefontaine PlacePrefontaine Place
ViewFortson Square Fortson SquareFortson Square
View766 John ST Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church/ First Norwegian Lutheran ChurchDenny Park Lutheran Church
View522 Dexter AVE Washington State Liquor StoreGilbert and Sullivan Society
View4304 SW Dakota ST SW California Avenue SubstationCalifornia Substation
View 14th AVE Volunteer Park Standpipe (Water Tower) 
View502 2nd AVE Smith TowerSmith Tower
View1432 8th AVE   
View3601 Beacon AVE Fire Station No. 13 
View401 NE Northlake WAY NE  Ivar's Salmon House, Ivar's Fish Bar
View504 E Denny WAY E UnknownSt. Florence Apartments
View 4th AVE SW Trenton Street Pump Station 
View1519 ALASKAN WAY Pacific Steamship Company1519 Alaskan Way S
View5900 Lake Washington BLVD Seward Park BathhouseSeward Park Art Studio
View3224 4th AVE Fire Station No. 14 
View3839 4th AVE South Receiving Substation 
View7312 W Green Lake DR W Green Lake Park BathhouseBathhouse Theater
View3610 24th AVE   
View206 Harvard AVE UnknownHarvard Apartments
View4301 15th AVE   
View104 17th AVE Congregation Bikur CholemLangston Hughes Center
View801 E PINE ST E Masonic TempleEgyptian Theater/SCCC
View1743 Summit AVE UnknownMorris Apartments
View 14th AVE Unknown14th Avenue Bridge
View800 Lake Washington BLVD Madrona Park BathhouseSpectrum Dance Theater
View400 Occidental WAY J. M. Frink Building/ Washington Iron Works/ Washington Shoe Mfg. Company BuildingWashington Shoe Building/ Washington Shoe Company Building/ "The Shoe"
View2014 Terry AVE Graham Building/ Graham ApartmentsGraham Apartments
View2114 Western AVE Rainier Boarding and Livery Stable/ Armory GarageElliott Bay Bicycles
View2821 Alaskan WAY Pier 14, Ainsworth and Dunn WharfPier 70, Graham and Dunn
View2315 Western AVE Bon Marche Stables/ Compton Lumber CompanyCompton Building
View2601 Elliott AVE American Can CompanyReal Networks/ former Seattle Trade Center
View1201 Alaskan WAY Pier 5Pier 56
View806 14th AVE Bordeaux, Thomas, House 
View2215 E Prospect ST E Vinikow, Joseph, Residence 
View4525 19TH AVE  
View2015 NE 58TH ST NE  
View1200 WESTLAKE Northwest Construction CenterAssociated General Contractors of Washington (AGC) Building
View5611 PARK RD  
View5617 PARK RD  
View4745-49 16TH AVE  
View850 REPUBLICAN ST Washington Natural Gas/Blue Flame BuildingBrotman Building/UW Medicine
View2121 NE PARK RD NE  
View4711 17TH AVE  
View4714 17TH AVE  
View5512 17TH AVE  
View5604 17TH AVE  
View5232-24 19TH AVE  
View1600 NE 47TH ST NE  
View1604 NE 50TH ST NE University Lutheran Church
View2610 E MONTLAKE PL E Cope Residence 
View2552 20TH AVE Evans Residence 
View2007 NW 61ST ST NW  
View2107 NW 65TH ST NW  
View2207 NW 61ST ST NW  
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