Director's Rules

Rescinded Rules

DR # Name
20-2018 Implementation of March 22, 2018 Basin Amplification Workshop Results
20-2015 Requirements for Transitional Encampments
9-2014 Bldg., Mechanical & Energy Code Requirements for Boarding Houses having 8 or fewer bedrooms and less than 2000 sq. ft. of Floor Area
11-2012 Parking Reductions based on Frequent Transit Service
11-2011 Alternate Means of Compliance to Energy Code Requirements for On-Site Renewable Energy Systems
11-2011 Alternate Means of Compliance to Energy Code Requirements for On-Site Renewable Energy Systems
1-2010 Implementation of the Fee Subtitle, Building Valuation Data
6-2009 Landscape Standards for Compliance with the Land Use Code and SEPA Requirements
7-2006 Access to Exits from Elevator Lobbies
10-2006 Clarifying when administrative design review is required in order to save exceptional trees in lowrise, midrise, and commercial zones.
8-2005 Use of Protected Aboveground Tanks for Fuel Storage inside Buildings
25-2005 Use of Wired Glass in Hazardous Locations
27-2005 Standard Design for Energy Code Analysis for Nonresidential Buildings
2-2003 Automatic Switching for Lighting in Daylight Zones
5-2002 Exceptions to Installing Fire and Smoke Dampers in Exhaust Only Shafts in other than Highrise Buildings – Prescriptive Path
7-2002 Alterations to Water-Source Heat Pump Systems in Existing Buildings
17-2002 Approved Alternates to Installing 3-Hour Fire Rated Automatic-Closing Assemblies in Transformer Vaults Doorways
19-2002 Use of Seattle-ENVSTD Computer Program to Demonstrate Nonresidential Building Envelope Compliance with the 2002 Seattle Energy Code
1-2001 Fees for Environmental Review Signs
3-2001 Approved Alternate Accessibility Guidelines for Building Elements Designed for Children’s Use
9-2001 Exceptions for Installing Fire and Smoke Dampers in Exhaust Shafts Served by a Continuously Operating Fan
11-2001 Limited Code Alternates for Day Care Centers
6-2000 Determination of Certain Multifamily Development Standards on Lots Zoned Partly Single Family and Partly Multifamily
15-2000 Visible Alarms in High Rise Buildings
18-2000 Protection Required by Seattle Building Code Table 5-A for Curtain Walls
22-2000 Submittal Requirements for Open-Web Steel Joist Framing Products
5-99 Storage of Vehicles Outdoors on Single-Family Lots
11-99 Rescinding Director's Rule 11-78
16-99 Nonconforming Floating Homes Beyond the Lake Union Construction Limit
19-99 Energy Code Pre-Calculated Prescriptive Compliance Options for Group R Occupancy with Metal Framing
22-99 Adoption of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Addenda
1-98 Required Off-Street Parking for Major Public Spectator Sports and Exhibition Facilities
11-98 Calculation of Open Space Requirements for Apartments in Lowrise Zones and for Projects Which Include Both Ground-Related Structures and Apartments
2-97 Northgate General Development Plan Advisory Committee
2-97 Northgate General Development Plan Advisory Committee
10-97 Clarification of the Fee Subtitle
12-97 Non-Metallic Piping Used in Compressed Air Systems
13-97 Adjustment of Boundaries of Undersized Lots
13-97 Adjustment of Boundaries of Undersized Lots
17-97 New Downtown Office Development: Interpretation of Definition and Allocation of Usable New Office Space
2-96 Selection of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Consultants
6-96 Duties and Responsibilities of Insuring Company Inspectors - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection
7-96 Height of Chimneys on Floating Homes
16-96 Building Identification Plan Requirement for Properties Having More than Two Buildings
18-96 Seismic Bracing of Ducts
22-96 New Dolphins Not Requiring Use or Building Permits
31-96 Adoption of 1995 National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors Inspection Code (ANSI NB-23)
37-96 Townhouse Platting and Resulting Nonconformities
5-95 Additional Reference for Determining Property Owners, Commercial Lessees and Residents
6-95 Supplemental Rent Assistance: Definitions and Procedures
9-95 Mixed Use Development With Residential and Nonresidential Uses in Separate Structures
14-95 Return of Applications Requiring Corrections
7-94 Design Review Program
12-93 Reviews By the Director
20-93 Public Benefit Features: Guidelines for Evaluating Bonus and TDR Projects, Administrative Procedures and Submittal Requirements in Downtown Zones (ALERT: As of February 15, 2006 this rule is in the process of being changed to respond to Land Use Code amendments enacted in Summer 2001. Portions of this rule have been superseded by these code amendments. If you have questions, please call Dennis Meier at (206)684-8270.)
5-92 Seattle Energy Code Requirements for Additions, Alterations and Repairs to the Building Envelope and Changes of Occupancy or Use (Including from Unheated to Heated Space) in Existing Buildings
7-92 Requirements for Pressure Vessels Installed Underground
8-92 Permit Fee for Provision of Radon Detectors
9-92 Adoption of Addenda to the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators ANSI/ASME A17.1-1987
13-92 Landscape Standards for Compliance with the Land Use Code and SEPA Requirements
14-92 Combination Systems - Potable Water Heaters that Provide Both Potable Water and Water for Space Heating
15-91 HVAC Cooling Equipment - Application of EER and IPLV Requirements
2-90 Rental Housing Registration Program Interpretation: Procedures, Definitions and Implementation
5-90 Single Exit Stairway Enclosures
7-90 Central Waterfront Piers - Restoration and Maintenance Requirements
9-90 Building Code Section 702 Code Alternate for Mixed Occupancy, Mixed Construction Buildings
21-90 Clarification of the Phrase "Major Reconstruction or Rehabilitation" as a Just Cause for Eviction
24-90 Revisions to Component Performance Calculations Procedures for Group R Occupancy and Addition of Log Home Compliance Option (as required by the Washington State Energy Code)
28-90 Control and Limit Device Requirements as Required by the Washington State Boiler Law (Low Water Cutoffs, Temperature Controls, Pressure Controls and Flow Switches)
6-89 Prescriptive/Component Performance Compliance Alternate for Seattle Energy Code Major Projects
7-89 Pre-Permit Review of Electrical Plans
9-89 Just Cause Eviction When Building to be Demolished or Converted: When Tenancy Can be Terminated
12-89 Standard Key for Public Access to Chairlifts and Wheelchair Lifts
19-89 Partial Application for Building Permits/Vesting and Permit Expiration
22-89 Grading and Landfill in Shoreline Environments
23-89 Setting of Fees to Recover City Costs for Review of Projects Subject to the Northgate Area Interim Traffic Standards
3-88 Standards for Closure and Maintenance of Vacant Buildings
4-88 Clarification of the Phrase "The Owner's Own Housing Unit"
7-88 Clarification of "Criminal Activity" as a Just Cause for Eviction
8-88 Interpretation of the Term "Nuisance" to Include "Drug-related Activity" as a Just Cause for Eviction
9-88 Security Requirements for Main Entrance Doors
13-88 Location of Water Supply Outflows (Faucets)
17-88 Permitted Height of Wall, Marquee, Under Marquee and Canopy Signs in Commercial and Industrial Zones
23-88 Key Switch Requirements for Phase l Elevator Recall -- New Installation and Major Alterations
28-88 Minimum Float Clearance for Floating Home Remodeling, Replacement or New Constructions
31-88 Lot Coverage Exceptions in Multifamily Zones
34-88 Standards for Protecting Knob-and-Tube Wiring when Thermal Insulation is Installed
35-88 Clarifying the Adoptions of National Fire Protection Association Standards 85A and 85B (Furnace Explosion Controls)
36-88 Fill Slopes in Excess of 2 Horizontal to 1 Vertical: Engineered Design
38-88 Opening Protection Requirements for Group R, Division 1 Occupancies of Type V-One-Hour Construction in the Downtown Fire District
39-88 Sprinklers, Fire Alarms and Sprinkler Controls in Elevator Machinery Rooms of Fully Sprinklered Buildings
45-88 Minimum Pipe Insulation for Recirculating Service Water Heating Systems
46-88 Demonstration of Energy-Efficiency for Furnaces of Capacity Over 225,000 Btu/H and Boilers of Capacity Over 300,000 Btu/H
48-88 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and Accessory Residential Parking
52-88 Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement
53-88 Master Use Permit Procedural Requirements Applied to Projects for which SEPA Determinations have been Issued by Lead Agencies other than the City of Seattle
55-88 Application Notice Requirements for Projects Located in Environmentally Sensitive Areas
57-88 Estimating Repair and Replacement Costs -- Unfit Buildings
3-87 Energy Consumption and Peak Demand Information for Environmental Review
5-87 Fuel Selector Switches for Boiler with Multiple Fuel Burners
8-87 Home Occupations
10-87 Lot Boundary Adjustment Procedure Not to be Used for Major Change in Platting Pattern
12-87 Lot Boundary Adjustment Procedure Generally Not Available for Boundaries Straddled by Structures
13-87 Establishment of Day Care Facilities in Existing Children's Institutions
14-87 Vesting of Permits and Permit Applications
18-87 Maximum Design Stresses Allowable without Substantiating Tests for Old Masonry Structures with No or Low Cement Lime Mortar
24-87 Requirements for Premix Concrete Plants Certification
28-87 Limitation of Heating, Cooling and Ventilation Equipment in Elevator Machine rooms and Hoistways
37-87 Training School and Quartering of Crews as an Accessory Use to Shipbuilding and Repair
5-86 Clarification of the Responsibilities of the SEPA Public Information Center
9-86 Determination of Comparable Housing
10-86 Number of Permitted Curb Cuts for Lots Crossed by Vehicular Access Easements
12-86 Design Departure: Administrative Guidelines for Evaluating Projects, Administrative Procedure and Submittal Requirements
14-86 Sign Requirements for Off-Site Accessory Parking
14-86 Sign Requirements for Off-Site Accessory Parking
20-86 Methods for Measuring Sign Area, Number and Dispersion
21-86 Garage Doors in Commercial Zones when Parking is Screened by the Façade of a Structure
26-86 Method of Wiring for Stage Set Lighting and Stage Effects that are not Fixed as to Location
28-86 Use of Vinyl Siding: Standards and Approval
29-86 Fees for Temporary Relocation of Police and Fire Stations
30-86 Fees to Establish Computer Contact Numbers and Failure to Appear for an Application Intake Appointment
31-86 Large Sign Standards for City Lead Agencies Other Than DCLU (Construction Permits Only)
32-86 Prohibition of Non-Commercial Salvage Yards in Residential Zones
35-86 Horizontal Fire Dampers: Conditions for Approval
36-86 Permit Fees for the Installation of Fuel Burners
37-86 Environmental Review and Mitigation of Traffic and Parking Impacts for Projects Vested to Title 24 (Zoning Ordinance)
39-86 Feedwater Requirements for Power Boilers
40-86 Awnings and Canopies
3-85 Rule Relating to Regulation of Dish Antennae and Similar Devices
5-85 Rescinding and Reconfirming Director's Rules Related to the Seattle Shoreline Management Program
6-85 Side Yard Agreements for Reverse Corner Lots
7-85 Elevator Seismic Requirements
9-85 Permit Requirements for Off-Premises Signs
14-85 Measuring Rear Yards
16-85 Additions of Dwelling Units to Existing Structures in Multi-Family Zones: Parking Requirements
5-84 Transition Rule for Major Projects Energy Analysis Requirements
8-84 Standard Design Building for Energy Code Analysis
9-84 Siting and Building Form Analysis for Energy Code Compliance
10-84 Clarification of Gross Floor Area Calculations for Major Institutions
12-84 Hydronic Heat Pumps - Heating Mode
14-84 Delays Resulting from Litigation of "Existing" Contract Rezones and Planned Unit Developments
18-84 Use of Smoke Detector-Activated Doors for Smoke Control at the Entrance to Public Spaces for which a Floor Area Ratio Bonus has been Granted
20-84 Use of Pressurized Stair in Single Exit Frame Construction - R-1 Occupancies
21-84 Electrical, Gas and Oil Space Heating Appliances Installation Under Stairway
23-84 Replacement of Abated Nonconforming Structures
24-84 Retirement Facilities: Classification as Group Home, Apartment or Ground Related Structure and Permitted Accessory Uses
28-84 Parking Conditions Imposed on New Development Proposals in Downtown Seattle
3-83 Vertical Distance Between Dwelling Units and Required Open Space for Ground-Related Structures in Multi-Family Zones
4-83 Privacy of Required Open Space for Ground-Related Structures in Multi-Family Zones
5-83 Handicap Vertical and Inclined Lifts - Applicable Fees
10-83 Shoreline Permit Not Required for Nonchemical Milfoil Control
13-83 Interim Greenbelt Preserves Overlay District
14-83 Fees for Building Permits to Comply with Article 93 of the Seattle Fire Code
16-83 Height Measurements in the Shoreline District Where the Underlying Zoning is Residential
17-83 Early Notice of Projects Requiring Specification of Design Terms for Review of Public Amenity Features Proposed to Achieve Floor Area Bonuses
26-83 Criteria for Approval for Minor Structural Building Overhangs Encroaching into Streets and Alleys
27-83 Minor Expansion of Institutions within Existing Structures
28-83 Clarification of Electrical Permit Fees for Low Voltage Communication Systems Connected to Central Station System (Telephones)
1-82 Master Use Permit Application Fees for "Use" Approvals
2-82 Clarification of Sections of the 1982 Permit Fee Ordinance (Ord. 110264)
3-82 Design Principles for Reviewing Public Amenity Features Used for Floor Area Bonuses in BM and CM Zones
4-82 Definition of the Term "Under Construction" as used in the Housing Preservation Ordinance
5-82 Product Approval for Manually Operated Releasing Device for Security Window Grills
6-82 Product Approval for High Rise Signs
8-82 Minimum Size Plans for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Drawings
13-82 Parking Requirements for Day Care Centers in Church Buildings
14-82 Application and Use of Appendix A in the SEPA Policy Ordinance 107678
15-82 Use of New Comprehensive Plan in Decision Making
16-82 Replacement of Residence Served by Non-Conforming Access Easement
19-82 Exemption to Large Sign Requirement
25-82 Clarification and Revision of Director's rules Published under Title 24 (Zoning Code) Due to the Adoption of the New Single and Multi-Family Land Use Regulations (Title 23)
26-82 Transition to the Land Use Code
28-82 Requirements for Legal Agreements and Deed Restrictions Linking Properties for Purposes of Calculating Floor Area Ration in the BM, CM, and CMT Zones
29-82 Use of #18 and #16 Wire in Power-Limited Fire-Protective Signaling Circuits
33-82 Transition Rule for Curb Cuts in Residential Zones
34-82 Rules Governing Zoning Violation Appeals Before DCLU
36-82 Application of SEPA in Section 23.76.24A Director's Decision on Master Use Permit
38-82 Pedestrian Access Bridges
40-82 Reduction in Parking Requirements when Converting from an Existing Non-Residential to a Residential Use in Multi-Family Zones
48-82 Exemptions to the Large Sign Requirement of the Land Use Code
49-82 Cancellation of Master Use Permit Applications
2-81 Land Use Fees: A) Short Plats - Lot Line Adjustment B) Preliminary Work
4-81 To Require Elevator Car Service Outlets to be of the Grounded Type
6-81 Floats Included in Lot Coverage
7-81 Relocation of Existing Housing Preservation Ordinance 109220
8-81 Clarification of Ordinance Sections Regulating Location of Offices and Clinics in the RMH 350, RMV 200, and RM 800 Zones
9-81 Measurement of Gross Floor Area
11-81 Establishing Fees and Related Items Inadvertently Omitted From 1981 Permit Fee Ordinance, Effective March 1, 1981
12-81 Transition Procedures for Master Use Permit Applications
13-81 Definition of Family
14-81 Fees for Advisory Housing Code and Required Condominium Conversion Inspection
16-81 Establishing Criteria for Consideration of Changes to Planned Unit Developments Subsequent to Final Plan Approval
17-81 To Remove Conflict in the Elevator Code Construction Requirements for High-Rise Buildings to Preclude Venting of Shafts Through Elevator Machine Rooms
18-81 Establish a Required Standard for Phase I Elevator Control Switching for New Elevator Installations for High-Rise Buildings
19-81 Operation of Existing High-Rise Elevators for Emergency Service
20-81 Setting the Minimum and the Maximum Fee to be Charged for Reestablishment of an Expired Permit
21-81 Enclosure of Unenclosed Parts of the Principal Structure
22-81 Fee for Certification of an Approved Fabricator's Manufacturing Plant
23-81 Fee for Certification of Special Inspectors
24-81 To Establish a Fee for Product Approval Issued by the Department of Construction and Land Use
26-81 Establishing a Land Use Fee Procedure for Master Use Permit Components and for Council Conditional Use Applications with Associated Variances
27-81 Clarification of Scope of ANSI A17.1-1978, Safety Code for Elevators as Adopted by Reference in Chapter 51 of the Seattle Building Code
28-81 Dimensional and Access Requirements for a Shopping Plaza When a Floor Area Ratio Bonus is Claimed in Connection with the Provisions of the Zoning Code
29-81 Clarification of the Term, "Substantial Change" as Used in the Seattle Zoning Code (Ordinance 86300)
30-81 Proposed Declaration of Non-Significance
32-81 Repair of Fire-Damaged Structures that are Nonconforming with Respect to Use or Bulk or that may be Located in the Shoreline District
34-81 Clarification of Annual Operating Certificate Fee for Boilers and Pressure Vessels
35-81 Residential Setback on Upland Lots
36-81 Rear Yard Area Calculations
40-81 Accessory Fueling Facilities for Fire and Police Precinct Stations
43-81 To Make City Elevator Regulations Consistent with State and National Barrier-Free Regulations
45-81 Adoption by DCLU of Parking Standards Previously Adopted by DCD for Moorage Slips Along Westlake Avenue North Between Valley Street and the Fremont Bridge
46-81 Application of RCW 58.17 Regarding Lot Boundary Adjustment to the City of Seattle's Zoning Code
48-81 Loading/Unloading Areas Accessory to Mini-warehouses in the BC Zone
49-81 Architectural Features - Effects on Floor Area Ratio
50-81 Use of Corridors for Return Air Plenums
51-81 Definition of "Accepted Engineering Practice"
52-81 Glazing Limitations in the Seattle Energy Code
53-81 Billing and Lien Filing of Vacant building Inspection Fees
54-81 Transient Moorage Requirements for New Marinas
55-81 Use of Galvanized Metallic Tubing
56-81 Plastic Roof Panels for Structures Accessory to R-3 Occupancies
57-81 Regulated Public Access Requirement for Public Properties
62-81 Transition to 1982 Land Use Fees
63-81 Land Use Fee Refunds and Fees for Preapplication Work
63-81 Land Use Fee Refunds and Fees for Preapplication Work
2-80 Good Faith Effort with Regard to Locating Housing
3-80 Issuance of Development Permits Based Upon a Binding Site Plan in Lieu of Subdivision for Certain Properties when Divided by Lease
4-80 Ground-Fault Circuit Protection at Construction Sites
5-80 Establishing what shall Qualify for: . . .
6-80 Lighting Power Budget for a Building
7-80 Establishing an Interim Energy Code Fee Affecting Building, Mechanical, and Electrical Permit Applications
8-80 Establishment of Fees for Diazo Reproduction of Microfiche Jackets
9-80 Appliation of the Energy Code to Existing Buildings
10-80 Defining the Term Site-Built Fireplaces
11-80 Legalization of Existing Non-Conforming Uses
12-80 Point of Attachment of Conductors Shall be 12 Feet Unless Impracticable in which Case it Shall be No Less than 10 Feet; Also, on Existing Services of any Amperage, a Weatherhead to Weatherhead Connection Shall be Permitted, for Conversions or Service Increases
13-80 Establishing Guidelines for Table 4-11 of the Seattle Energy Code: Internal Lighting Power Budgets by Occupancy
14-80 Accessory Drive-In Banking Facilities
15-80 Establish What Shall Qualify for Unheated Spaces Used for Industrial and Manufacturing Processes
16-80 Amending Superintendent's Ruling 7-80 and Establishing an Interim Energy Code Fee Affecting Building, Mechanical and Electrical Permit Applications
17-80 Clarification of the Terms, "Minor Alteration" and "Material Expansion," as Used Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (RCW 43.21C), and WAC 197-10-170 (1) (k)
19-80 Exemption of Underground Tanks Pursuant to SEPA
21-80 Methods of Computing Required Off-Street Parking Requirements
22-80 Projection of Architectural Features into Required Yards and Exemption of Such Features from Gross Floor Area Calculations
23-80 Raychem "TWDB" Heat Shrinkable Wrap-Around Duct Band for Sealing the Joints in Low, Medium and High Pressure Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems.
24-80 Conditional Accessory Parking Areas in R Zones
25-80 Interpretation of Bulk Modifications for Decks, Porches and Architectural Features
27-80 Special Inspection Requirements for Reinforced Masonry
28-80 Amending a Section of the Existing Superintendent's Ruling (7-80) on the Interim energy Code Fees Dealing with Energy Code Fee Associated with Electrical Permits
30-80 Establishing a Minimum Amount of $5.00 for Refunds
31-80 Front Yard Exceptions for Developed Block Fronts in Residential Single-Family Zones
33-80 Establish a Time Limitation of Two Years for Temporarily Out of Service Status for Elevator, Escalator and Dumbwaiter Equipment
34-80 Mezzanine -- Definition for Purpose of Side Yard Calculations
35-80 Shoreline Uses Over Water in Shoreline Environment Zoning Ord. 86300 Section 21A.75
37-80 Amending Ruling 7-80 and Establishing an Energy Code Fee Affecting Building, Mechanical, and Electrical Permit Application
38-80 Amendment to the Seattle Energy Code as Required by State Law
39-80 1980 Permit Fee Ordinance (108729). Clarification of Section 8, Table E and the Assessment of Fees for Mechanical Systems. This Director's Ruling Expires When the 1981 Permit Fee Ordinance Goes Into Effect
40-80 Superintendent's Ruling 2-80, Good Faith Effort with Regard to Locating Housing
41-80 Use and Parking for Ferry Terminals
43-80 Signs for Public and Semipublic Institutions in Residential Zones and Signs for Conforming Uses in RMH and RMV Zones
44-80 Computing the Number of Dwelling Units Permitted in Multiple Dwellings
45-80 Extent of Automobile Repair and Maintenenace Permitted in Existing Service Stations and Auto Maintenance Constituting Minor Automobile Repair
46-80 Interpretation of Calculation of Fee Reduction for Replacement Uses; Correction of Numerical References; Allowing fore Placement Housing on a Different Site than that of the Demolished Housing; Clarificatgion of Housing Costg Index Calculation; Definition of the Term "Demolition Proceedings"; Clarification of the Term "Net Residential Area"; and Applicability of Ordinance to Governmental Agencies
48-80 Definition of " Street" Zoning Code
49-80 Excluding Floor Area Used for Accessory Parking for Buildings in the BM, CM and CMT Zones
50-80 Impact Sound Insulation Requirement for Bathroom Floors
51-80 Guidelines for Moving Housed "Within" the City
52-80 To Establish Method of Calculating Fees for Projects in Progress When 1981 Permit Fee Ordinance Goes Into Effect
54-80 To Establish Method of Collecting Land Use Fees as Established in 1981 Permit Fee Ordinance
1-79 Provisions for Life Safety Core in High Rise Buildings, Including Allowance for Dead End Corridors Serving 50 in Offices
2-79 Temporary Office Permits
3-79 Exemption of Second Floors of Two-Story Buildings and Mezzanines with an Occupant Load of Less than 30 from the Provision of a Ramp or an Elevator as a Means of Accessibility for the Disabled
4-79 Building Vacated and Closed or Open to Unauthorized Entry
7-79 Type NM and Type NMC Cables shall be permitted to be used ine one and two family dwellings, or multi-family dwellings and other structures of wood frame construction not exceeding three floors above grade, except in Fire Zone I
9-79 Precast/Prestress Plant Certification Program
13-79 Structural Support of Neon Transformers within Neon Signs and Outline Lighting Cabinets
15-79 Distinction Between Fast Food Restaurant and Other Businesses
16-79 Synthetic Stucco Wall Covering Manufactured by: Kern Tac, Inc.
18-79 Floor and Roof System Ties to Concrete or Masonry Walls
21-79 Provisions of Access to a Lot to Meet Zoning Ordinance Requirements
23-79 Pile Cap Approval
1-78 Fees for Advisory Housing Inspections
2-78 Environmental Review of Projects on Lands Covered by Water
3-78 Requirement for Environmental Review of Change of Use
5-78 Underground and Overhead Service Entrance Conversions - One Family Dwellings
6-78 Determining the Existence of a Dwelling Unit for the Purpose of Code Enforcement
7-78 Modifying or Withdrawing a Notice of Non-Compliance by Granting a Variance
10-78 Signs Erected on a Single Structure for One Business Billed as One Sign
11-78 Service of a Notice and Order
11-78 Service of a Notice and Order
12-78 Tree Houses and Tree Platforms
13-78 Concrete Foundation and Wall Form System Using Unstiffened Plywood Sheets or Slabs
16-78 Temporary Office Permits
19-78 Definition of Slab-on-Grade Floors in Heating Spaces
20-78 When Permits are Required for Grading
21-78 Grading Requirements for Street Work
22-78 Grading Associated with One and Two Family Dwelling Construction and Accessory Structures
23-78 Life of Grading Permits for Board of Public Works Contracts
25-78 Testing and Certification of Welders by the Washington Association of Building Officials
26-78 Minimum Float Clearance for Floating Home Replacement, Remodeling or New Construction
27-78 Heavy Timber Construction - Substitution for One-Hour Construction in Type V-1Hr Buildings
28-78 Wood Jambs for Fire Doors
29-78 Grading Incidental to Structures Not Requiring a Building Permit
30-78 Grading in Conjunction with Maintenance Activities
31-78 Type VN Construction Permitted in Single Family Dwellings Up to Four Stories
33-78 Delivery of the Certificate of Repairs
3-77 Interpretation of Exemption of Interior Remodeling of Existing Structures within the Shoreline District Where No Change of Use is Involved
5-77 Allowing a Maximum Building Height of 4 Stories for Type V-1 Hour Construction with an H Occupancy
7-77 Setback Requirements for Single Family Residences in Shoreline Areas
8-77 Approving ABS, PVC and Polypropylene Pipe, Tubing Conduits and Raceway as an Alternate to Non-combustible Materials as Required by the Building Code
9-77 Providing Standards for the Installation of Plastic Pipe in Fire-rated Assemblies
10-77 Reinspection of a Building Upon Receipt of a Citizen's Complaint
11-77 Minimum Throw for Dead Bolt of Dead Latch
12-77 Storage, Maintenance and Building Service Rooms
13-77 Transcript of Findings of Fact of the Citizens Housing Board
15-77 Cabinets for Storage of Cooking Utensils and Dishes
16-77 Person Whose Health or Safety is Directly Affected by a Building
19-77 Stair Construction
20-77 Occupant Load
21-77 Granting Reasonable Access to Owners for Performance of Duties Imposed by the Housing Code
25-77 Thermal Transmission Through Concrete Masonry Walls
26-77 Sound Transmission Through Concrete Masonry Walls and Floor Systems (Block and Beam Design)
27-77 Type B - Gas Vents (Manufactured by Ecco Heating Products Ltd)
28-77 Requirement for Guardrails in Group I Occupancies
29-77 Requirement for Bonds for Painted Wall Signs to be Eliminated
31-77 Heavy Timber Construction - No Substitution for One-hour Construction
32-77 Energy Vent, Automatic Gas Venting Device (mfd by Energy Vent of Dayton, Ohio)
6-76 NA
8-76 Product Approval: Polyurethane wall and floor coating
9-76 Product Approval: Pneumatic Tube Conveyor
16-76 Structural Requirements for Storage Racks
18-76 Acceptance of WA State Civil Engineer's Stamp
19-76 Approval of Drawings for Shop Fabricated Products
20-76 Special Inspection Requirements for Special Structural Systems
21-76 Service of Alcoholic Beverages at BN Restaurants
22-76 Heat Pump
31-76 Beauty Shop as a Home Occupation
33-76 Vested Right to Obtain a Building Permit
34-76 Substantive Authority to Condition Proposals
35-76 Front Yard Requirements for Special Conditions/Corner Lots
37-76 Lot Coverage Calculations for Compliance with Shoreline Program
40-76 Defining 'Plenum' as Used in NEC Consistent with Mechanical Code
41-76 Allowing a 2-hour Occupancy Separation Between H-Occupancy and F-1 Occupancy Storage Garages
42-76 Approval of ICBO Research Recommendations as alternate materials and methods of construction to that specified by the Uniform Building Code
43-76 Retail Television Sales in a BN Zone
44-76 Amusement Devices as an Accessory Use to a Retail Store in a BN Zone
45-76 Proper Zoning Classification for Coin-Operated Amusement Devises as a Principal Use
46-76 Specifying that a Horizontal Exit May Not be Used in Lieu of an Exit Corridor Required from a Stairway Enclosure.
47-76 Withdrawal of Product Approval: Tex-Cote Textured Coating

350 Rules Found

Keeping Your Rules Up-to-date

We publish official legal notice for all Director’s Rules in Seattle's Daily Journal of Commerce. We also publish notice about land use rules in our Land Use Information Bulletin through the Seattle Services Portal. To receive an email alert when the Land Use Information Bulletin is posted contact our Public Resource Center.


Draft Director's Rules


DDR 7-2024, Designation of Tier 2 Trees

View public notice


DDR SDCI 2-2024/SDOT 02-2024 City of Seattle Light Rail Design Guidelines

View public notice


Still Need Help?

If you have questions about superseded or rescinded rules, please contact Hillarie Lee at (206) 503-5710.